The start..maybe?

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I wake up the next morning in is arms. this is how I want it to be for forever. I love him. He looks at me and smiles. We get dressed and head downstairs. I make breakfast for him. I'm in the middle of making it when somebody starts banging on our door. I run to see who it is. I look through the peep hole and see a woman standing at our door. I open the door, "who are you," she asks. I answer, "Luke's wife and who are you?" she looks at me and smiles. than she grabs my neck and closes the door. I bash her arms down. she looks at me. I know who she is now. she is the run away. I quickly grab her. she struggles but I'm stronger. I bit her head, no more like i ripped her head off and she dies. Luke comes running down stairs to see the runaway dead on our living room floor. he looked at me and came running to me. "are you okay? did she hurt you?" I said, "I'm fine. lets get out of town for awhile lets go to Paris." he nods and kisses me. we go upstairs and pack. I booked us a flight to Paris and he looks at me and asks, "why are we going to Paris?" I look at him and smile and say, "so we can go on our honeymoon." he smiled. we head to the air port and wait for what seems like hours. they finally let us bored the plane. we hold hands. than a very old man who is sitting across from us asked, how long have we been married. We both say for 4 days he smiles and says newlyweds. we finally get to Paris. And head to the house I own. we bring our stuff in and than we are off to see Paris. I show him all the hot spots. where I used to live and everything. I grew up in Paris before I became a vampire. it was nice. Not to much crime going on. One day I was walking at night and a crowd of men came out of the bar. They started to touch me until this guy came out of no where and beat them all up. He was super fast. after he had finished killing them he made his way to me. "are you okay?" he asked with such a sweet and caring tone. I shook my head. I remember him taking me and putting his hands on my neck as he slowly leaned in and bite me. the pain was unbearable at first but soon went away. it was like feeling your heart slowly stop beating. the blood slowly stop flowing. he held me in his arms. and I felt safe. he took me back to his house or should I say mansion. it was like something you would see in movies. I was walking in and he took my face and kissed me. he approached my lips slowly and gently placed his against mine. he kissed me slowly. I remember wondering why he saved and why I was so thirsty. I guess he sensed that and got me a cup of blood. I after I drank that he told me about everything. when we were getting married and than it hit me. I didn't think vampires were real until I realized I was thirsty and the blood satisfied it. the pain I felt it was all because he changed me. I didn't know what to think. "snow you alright?" Luke asked. "what?" I asked confused. "you were staring at something are you okay?" I just shook my head. we head back to the house and I was exhausted. we head to bed, but all I could think about was him. the guy who ruined my life. I didn't sleep even though I really wanted to. Luke was fast asleep. I got up and changed. I went outside for some fresh air. I say on our porch. than I went for a walk. I just kept walking. I didn't know where I was going until I ended up outside that very bar. I broke down in tears. "you all alright there?" A man had asked me. I shook my head yes. and the man walked away. I started walking back to the house when a man wearing all black came out of a house. I hid behind a wall as I watched him throw his blood clothes away. I ran up to him and grabbed him by the neck. I drug him to the alley he looked at me, "hey snow haven't seen you in awhile. how've you been?" "I'm not here to catch up on things! what the hell where you just doing?!" he shrugged his shoulders, "what? I was just having a little fun." "yeah fun killing! I thought you didn't do that stuff anymore?! what happened to you?!" "well you see the person I just killed murdered a bunch of children. I have been killing everybody who deserves it. I got nothing better to do." I shook my head disappointed. "just go!" he left and so did I. I had so much on my mind still so I walked around the house a couple times until I got tired enough to finally go to sleep. so I headed in changed and went to bed.

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