Chibbys Birthday: A SAMPERV Challenge

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This is my addition to the Challenge. Hope you all like it, although its defs not my best.

Prompt: Its Chib's Birthday.


You were always good at remembering birthdays. You loved them. Baking cakes and decorating the clubhouse. Throwing parties was your thing. Your specialty. You remembered everybody's birthdays. The old ladies, the kids, the crow eaters and especially the members of the club. Hell, you'd even thrown a party for Unsers birthday. 

Chibs loved seeing how excited you would get planning every single detail. So when his birthday rolled around and you didn't mention it he couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.
It wasn't like he actually cared about his birthday. He had stopped caring abut his birthday many years ago, it was just another day, after all. But when his old lady, the self titled Queen of Birthdays left the house without a word of his 'special' day he felt deflated.
He could have used the distraction, they all could have.
Although he couldn't blame you for forgetting. The Sons were in the middle of a shit storm with only the worst of it still to come and with Taras murder still fresh in their minds, there was no wonder they had had other things to think about.
The afternoon had come and gone and as the sun began to set Chibs sat on his bike and pulled his helmet onto his head.
The entire day had gone without any mention of his birthday and he hadn't given it any more thought.
He knew you would be at home, probably preparing dinner and to be alone with you was all he wanted.
The traffic light turned red and Chibs slowed his bike, putting his leg out to steady his Harley as he waited for the light to turn green.
The screeching of tires caught his attention and before he knew it a black van was pulling up beside him.
The door slid open and four men piled out, dressed all in black with masks over their faces.
Chibs reached for his gun but before he could pull it out the men surrounded him and one pulled a sack over his head.
Everything went black and he fought and yelled but still they pulled him off his bike and tossed him into the back of the van.


Finally the van stopped moving and Chibs was pulled to his feet and dragged out of the van.
There had been no beating, no violence. Whoever had taken him wanted him alive and Chibs had an awful feeling it was August.
He resisted as much as he could but he knew it was pointless.
He was no rat. Whoever this was could do what they wanted to him; he would not give up his Club.
The men pushed him down into a seat and he felt his arms being restrained behind his back.
The sack was pulled from his head and the men left the room. He squinted his eyes as they adjusted to the light and he slowly took in his surroundings.
It was an old warehouse, from what he could make out and he scanned the room as much as he could. The chair was at the back of the room facing a corner, his back to the only entrance and he froze when he heard the door open.
Only a single pair of footsteps could be heard entering the room and Chibs said a silent prayer before speaking.
"What do ye want?"
No answer. The footsteps got closer until they stopped right behind him.
Chibs took a deep breath and managed not to jump when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders.
Whoever it was spun the chair to face the rest of the room, making sure to stay out of his field of vision.
A frown came to his face.
The warehouse was seemingly empty, except for a red helium balloon in the dead centre.
The hands on his shoulders draped down to his chest and he glanced at the painted fingernails.
"What the fu-"
"Happy birthday baby."
You stepped in front of him, wearing a long black coat tied up around your waist.
"Jesus Christ, luv. What the fuck was all this about?!"
"i wanted to surprise you."
"Aye, theres plenty of ways te do tha' without takin a man hostage!"
You frowned and put your hands on your hips.
"Are you mad?"
Chibs sighed.
"Can ye untie me?"
You smirked and shook your head.
Chibs glared at you.
"Why not?"
"I want you tied up for this." You smirked.
Slowly you untied your coat and pulled it off your shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.
Now you stood in front of him, wearing only your heels and the red lingerie set you had brought earlier in the month.
"You didn't really think I'd forgotten your birthday, did you?" You asked over your shoulder as you walked to the only cupboard in the room.
You opened the door, Chibs watching eagerly as you bent over, and lifted a small stereo out.
With the press of a button music began to play and you placed the stereo on the floor before slinking back towards Chibs.
The anger in his eyes was fading fast and was replaced by lust as he took in the sight of you.
"Ye planned all this by ye self?"
You nodded,a smug smile on your face. "With the help of Jax, for the kidnapping part."
"Tha would explain the lack of violence."
You laughed and nodded as you moved forward and sat sideways in his lap, draping one arm around the back of the chair and playing with his kutte with your other hand.
"I didn't want you getting hurt, baby."
Chibs smirked and you ran your fingers along his 'Redwood' patch.
You turned your head and pressed a kiss to his lips before abruptly pulling away and jumping off his lap.
"So whats my present?" he asked, a cheeky spark in his eyes.
You grinned and pushed a bra strap off your shoulder.
"What do you think?"


Chibs ran his hand through his hair and you threw him a smile from the passengers seat of your car.
"I really am one lucky guy." He sighed.
"Tell me about it." You smirked.
He pulled into TM, which seemed empty except for the bikes and was glad to see his own bike back in his usual spot.
He parked your car to the side and shut off the engine.
"So I'll meet you back home?"
You shook your head.
"Not just yet."
"Christ, what else 'ave ye planned? I don't know if Ive got the energy to go again, luv."
You laughed and rolled your eyes as you unbuckled your seatbelt.
"Calm down, old man. We'll wait til we get home."
You slid out of the car and Chibs did the same.
He walked around the side of the car and grabbed hold of your hand.
You pulled him towards the clubhouse and pushed the door open before turning to walk backwards, a grin on your face.
"Surprise!" The room erupted with cheers as the Club everyone else at the party jumped out.
Chibs chuckled, his face full of joy and he pulled you into him, placing a wet kiss on your neck.
"I love you."
You smiled.
"I know. Happy birthday, Chibby."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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