Chapter 3- awkwardness-

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Branches POV

I woke up to a thud and looked beside me poppy was there on my shoulder
With a bright-red pale face oh... she was sick and... SHE STILL IS... wait why am I panicking so much she's just a bit sick luckily school is in 2 days so she has some time to recover

"B...branch" I heard a voice next to me say 'hey poppy... you feeling ok?' I asked 'uh...y...yeah I'm fine' she stuttered a bit and a little bit of blush crept into my face

Poppy's pov

With branch there I felt different like I'm happier than I am at home maybe it''s..........its...........oh
But I like creek but branch but creek but branch ugh

'You wanna come down for some breakfast?' Branch asked 'uh ... sure' I replied' we walked downstairs and found branches grandmother cooking eggs 'hello there' she said 'poppy your dad can over to see if you were here and he said you can stay as long as you want, he did he never sais that... ' umm ok if that's ok with you' I said
'Oh yes dear stay as long as you want' after she said that I sat down with branch and his grandmother set down food on the table and we ate in complete silence

After that we went upstairs and carried on studying 'hey branch do you wanna come for a sleepover with me and the snack pack it's my birthday tomorrow
Please come?' I asked

Branch is bold poppy is italics

Yayyyyyyy thankyouuuuuu
It's never happening again though

Branches POV

Why did I agree but... she looks so happy.

The next day I go over to Poppy's
(Knock knock)
'HI BRANCH YOUR HERE' she shouted she gave me a huge hug and backed away grabbing my hand and pulling me next to her in a big circle
'So what do you guys wanna do?' Dj asked
'Truth or dare" cooper said
They ask agreed but I just worried a bit
Dj suki had to go into the village and play a horrible ear-killing tune, satin and chenille had to knock and run king peppy and smidge had to chug down a whole jug of milk and then it was Poppy's go 'Truth' she said
Smidge said 'do you have a crush on anyone
Creep... I mean creek smiled
She said yes and then it was my go
'Uhm truth' I said
Gd said 'who's your crush'
' dare yeah dare' I hesitated
Gd has a mischievous face 'kiss your crush'
I told everyone to close there eyes and I got closer and closer to the girl I like I shut my eyes and our lips attached Poppy's eyes flew wide open and then closed again we melted deeper into the kiss and then gd opened his eyes 'I KNEW IT I KNEW' after he said that everyone opened there yes and found poppy and branch blushing brightly (cloud guy appeared outa nowhere) "BROPPPPPY" he shouted
'...when'd you get here' I said he just drifted away and whispered 'broppppppyyyyy' they both slept and then branch went home, branch and poppy ignored each other for 5 days Straight.

Hope you guys enjoyed wow this was very awkward especially for them whoooop whooop broppppppyyyyyy

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