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Dinner ended very nicely, with Jinyoung's grandma being extremely kind (even though she kept on insisting that I eat more until I would explode). I finished, and decided that doing the dishes was the least I could do.

"Naeun-ah, you shouldn't be doing the dishes! JINYOUNG HOW COULD YOU LEAVE THE YOUNG LADY TO DO THE DISHES??" She yelled.

"Wait a second grandma!!" Jinyoung yelled from the other room.

"THREE, TWO--" His grandma tapped her foot on the ground as she counted like she was talking to a little kid.

"Okay, okay!" Jinyoung came running--COMPLETELY SHIRTLESS. "I was in the middle of taking a shower, and you couldn't wait two more minutes grandma?!"

"Do the dishes, son." She said, ushering him to the sink.

I quickly got out of the way, trying to not look at him. I could feel my ears and cheeks burning, so I hid my face by putting on my hood. "W-well, it's the least I could do..."

"You're sick, Naeun!" Jinyoung said. "No need to feel burdened."

"You're the guest, don't worry about it." She said. "Take the medicine I've put on the table, and take a shower."

I nodded quickly and did what she asked. After I took a shower, I walked into the living room to see Jinyoung and his grandma there.

I felt extremely awkward since I was in a random home, taking showers and stuff like it was my own.

"Do you not have sleeping clothes?" Granny Woo asked.

I shook my head. "I don't need any, it's quite alright--"

"Jinyoung, lend her some clothes."

"Will do." Jinyoung said gesturing me to follow him.

I followed him to his room. "Your grandma is really...nice."

"She's nice but she's really controlling so if she bosses you around that's just her way of caring I guess." Jinyoung chuckled, handing me a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. "We have an extra room, you can stay there."

He put his hand on my back and led me to the room next to his. There was a bed and a vanity sitting inside.

"Be comfortable. If you need anything, I'm next door." Jinyoung said.

"Thanks Jinyoung. I'm serious, I don't think you know how much you've helped me." I said smiling.

"Because you deserve it." Jinyoung said and smiled, before exiting.

Because I deserve it?


I didn't feel all that tired, and it seemed like the medicine was working, I didn't feel as sick as before. Or it could be that the house was super warm and cozy.

I decided to sit at the vanity and write lyrics, since there wasn't much I could do.

There was a knock at my door.

"Naeun? Can I come in?" I heard Jinyoung's voice on the other side.

"Yeah, come in." I said.

「MASKED. WOO JINYOUNG 」Where stories live. Discover now