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Hello random reader!

I see that my wonderful fan fiction has intrigued you enough to check it out! Now, if that's the case, you came to the right place! (See what I did there? :P) I think I did a pretty good job on the start of my very first fan fiction, but it would be better if I could receive some support.

Dropping a little COMMENT or LIKE never hurt anyone, did it? If it did then it was probably from a happy heart attack. It happens, it really does.

Now, if you like a heavy dose of sarcasm, stubbornness, and overall kick-ass main characters, you, again, picked the right fan fiction! My OC is a definite mixture of all three, and I assure you, won't disappoint in the long run. (Plus I just recently learned what OC meant... I know, I'm lame)

And I know a lot of you out there are like an OC, seriously? And I don't blame them, I've certainly done the same. But I, personally, think my character is awesome so any of you out there who would rather spout some mean things about her, go away. There's no need for you here. I don't tolerate bullies, so don't be a bully.

I also don't like plagiarism.... SO DON'T DO IT. Do you want some random, no good stranger to copy and steal the work you've done hours stressing over and planning? No, that's right. So, again, DON'T DO IT.

Anyway, happy reading! I hope you enjoy!

From the sarcastic, no-tolerant of bullies or plagiarizers, lover of books and all things fan fiction, better than all of you (I'm just kidding guys, I'm not that shallow)...

Clara :)

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