Chapter 4

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Hinata's P.O.V

"Nar-ruto-ku-un, I can explain, I dated Kiba for a while last year." He looks down a me with a seemingly emotionless face, when he suddenly slams his fist on the table deathly looking Kiba in the eyes and then walks away.

I get up to chase after him when I feel someone pull me back I'm turned around to meet Kiba's face as he says "You still think he's worth chasing after Hinata, he just walked away from you, a person like him doesn't care or deserve someone like you." he then pulled me to him and kissed me, I punched his chest as I tried to break free.

Suddenly being ripped away from Kiba, I hear the voice of the man I love say "If anyone need to get his paws off of her it's you." I stare at the back of his blonde spiky hair as Naruto grabbed a fist full of Kiba's shirt as he pulled his fist back and connected it with Kiba's jaw. I scream, as the scene unfolded in front of me, which seemed to distract Naruto as he looked to see if I was okay.

Yet that gave Kiba enough time to rip away from Naruto's hold, since he loosened it, and threw a punch at his stomach. They kept fighting until the rest of the boys finally realized that the two weren't planning on stopping, Sauske pulled at Naruto as Shikamaru did the same with Kiba, Neji coming to stand between both of them, both guys kept trashing around, only stopping when Hinata stepped in front of the two men standing beside Neji.

 She turns towards Naruto, tears forming in her eyes as she takes in his state; a bruise already forming on the top of his right cheek and another on his left jawline. Then turns towards the person who she use to trust the most, Kiba was off a lot worst, as his entire left eye was shut closed with the nasty bruise already formed on the eye, then other multiple bruises over his face.

I run up to him, hugging him close as he pulls me closer to him as his arms finally enclose around my waist, I look up at the blonde. Sauske lets his grip on Naruto loose as I check on his wounds I pull away from him as I see him flinch as I touch is right side. Carefully lifting his shirt slightly, I cover my mouth a tear slipping out as I see the bruises forming on his ribcage.

 Grabbing the bottom of my chin and pulling his shirt down simultaneously his electric blue eyes staring into my lavender ones as he moves the hand from his shirt to wipe away my tear. "Don't cry about me I'll be fine, I would've teared him apart for doing what he did to you, I don't regret a minute of what just happened. Except for walking away from you, gave him a reason to hurt you as he did."

  I lean my head into his hands that is gripping either side of my face, when suddenly Sakura, Ino and Tenten come running up to me. "Are you guys ok", "I'm going to kill him.", "Oii, I swear if either of them hurt you I will...."

Cutting them all off I reply "I'm fine, Narut-to here on the other h-hand doesn't seem to-o be, lets get hi-im to the nur-rse, plea-ase." We start to walk away when Kiba decides to speak up "You're seriously going to care for him other than for me, as if he matters more, as if he has done more than ME. He's ignored you up until this moment in time and you still decide that he's better than I am."

I look back at Kiba, my eyes softening a bit, feeling Naurto's presence behind me, I lift my hand at him, stopping all movements. "Kiba, what you just did-d. I won-n't be a-able to fo-orgive s-so easil-ly. Y-you dis-srespec-cted me and N-Naruto hasn-n't. R-realize you-ur wron-ngs." I turn around and walk away from him, pulling Naruto's arm around my shoulder to help him walk.

Walking out of the cafeteria I don't dare look back.

*Later that day.*

"He seems to be fine now Hinata, Kuruma did most of the healing before I could get to it." says nurse Shizune, Naruto sits up on the medical bed, his shirtless back facing us, I blush as I see his muscles tense as he stretches. He starts pulling his shirt over his head all muscles moving with him and I feel my face completely heat up.

"Thank you very much for your help." I smiled at Shizune as she giggled at my reddening face, "Absolutely no problem, just be careful next time Naruto." I feel a presence behind me and a light touch on my waist. I look up at him as he has his other unoccupied armed scratching the back of his lower head and says with a laugh "I'm sorry, spur of the moment I guess you can say."

 Shizune smiles at Naruto and I and says "You defended your girl, that wasn't spur of the moment it was protective and the right thing to do." Then and there I suddenly felt his hand lift from my waist and him take a cautious step away. We both shuffle uneasily as she says that and as I look up to see his face with a slight red tint on it, the rest of the gang comes filling in.

"Sorry, but we need those two for something, I hope you don't need them and that we didn't interrupt anything." Tenten says kindly to Shizune, as she shakes her head and we all walk out of the clinic. I feel his presence by my side again as he whispered in my ear, "Meet up tonight at my house? I'll text you the address just in case, we need to speak."

 He cuts in front of me gives me his killer smile and then jogs to catch up with Sauske, where I see them both walk off into the distance. Suddenly my phone vibrates, pulling it out of my back pocket I look down on the screen and see an address with a smile emoji next to it, looking up to see him and catch him already staring I blush with a slight smile on my face, deciding to text back when Negi then comes up behind me.

 "Let's us be heading out now Hinata, your father awaits" I turn around holding my phone up too my chest as we walk away. I turn my head around look up the hill for him to see him perched against a tree at the top looking down at me. I grin down at my phone quickly typing in my response.

 Quickly jogging to catch up to my cousin and Tenten we all walk off together a smile on my face from how the day went sort of in my favor.

Naruto's P.O.V

 I see her walk away a huge grin on both of our faces as I look down at my screen as I receive her answer;

                    °Yes, I'll meet you there around 7:30 p.m

 Looking at the time and noticing its almost 7, I quickly take one last look at the retreating woman with violet hair, smile and then sprint home as I begin to think of everything I'd want to say to her.

 Only turning around for a slight second to say goodbye to Sauske and Sakura. As I begin to see what I'll do for tonight.

Oh, Hinata Hyuga if only you knew how much I truly do l......


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