Chapter 2 :3

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Shadows POV

I opened the door to the hotel room and ran to the first bed I saw. I hooked up my Bi-Pap and went to sleep.

The first thing I saw when I woke up is two faces staring at me.

"May I help you?" I asked, still bitchy from just waking up.

"We think you have night terrors." Gracie and Patrick said at the same time, only to jump back and look at each other in amazement.

"ight errors?" I managed to ask during a yawn.

They nodded and explained to me how I was freaking out during the night, and how when they tried to wake me up I got even more scared.

Well this is new.

I unhooked my Bi-Pap and got up, putting on my cannula and grabbing my oxygen tank. I walked to the car and grabbed my suitcase I had packed and put in the car the day before we left. When I got back upstairs, I put my iPod in the speaker and hit Shuffle. I knew the song before the singing even started, but once it did, I took the chance to belt the words right away.

"Met a girl at seventeen

Thought she meant the world to me,

So I gave her everything,

She turned out to be a cheat

Said she'd been thinking for a long time

And she found somebody new

I've been thinking that this whole time

Well I never thought you'd stay

That's okay

I hope he takes your filthy heart

And then he throws you away some day

Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know"

Patrick and Gracie joined in for the chorus, "If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby

If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby

If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby

If you can't hang then, there's the door"

We finished the song laughing as we got ready. I threw on a black fitted tee with a white Danger Days spider on the front and black skinny jeans. I wore a grey cardigan on over the tshirt and brushed my hair. I left it straight from yesterday but quickly and messily redid my side bangs. I put on some black eyeliner and mascara before calling myself finished. Gracie finished at about the same time and Patrick was finished way before we were.

"Breakfast?" he offered.

Gracie and I shrugged and followed him out the door. We took the lift down to the lobby and left the hotel.

"DENNY'S!!!" We all screamed, running across the street to the restaurant conveniently placed next to our hotel. We quickly ran in and got a booth, promptly awaited by a young lass called Hayley. She actually looked like Hayley Williams, and I was feeling a bit giddy that day, so I went for it.

"Just out of curiosity, do you know who Hayley Williams is?"

The girl smiled, "I do, and her music is lovely. Might I ask if you were wondering because we have the same name and look a bit alike? Because I get that a lot."

"Yeah, actually. But hey, Hayley Williams is gorgeous, and considering you two look exactly alike, I would very much appreciate your phone number." Patrick said, leaning on the table. Gracie flicked his forehead and showed Hayley, who was blushing like crazy, her wedding ring and shook her head a bit. Hayley smiled uncomfortably and took our drink orders. I ordered water, Gracie got orange juice and Patrick got water as well.

Hayley came back with our drinks and asked for our orders.

"If we could all just get, like, a giant stack of pancakes.." Patrick said, "That'd be totally awesome."

Apparently, Denny's did have a giant stack of pancakes, so we got those. About an hour after eating and sitting around for a bit, we decided to head to the venue, we were about 5 hours early, but it was general admission, and there was good 3G there, so we'd have something to do.

As we waited, I started to feel a bit off, so I fell asleep. Dreamless, terrorless, again.







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