Section 7 - We're Lost

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Sir Tillington and his band of married men were making there way along the dirt road, heading towards a bandit camp, set up at an old fort, that they had heard was creating trouble for passing traders and travelers. His band began to beat their drums and strum their lutes as they made their way closer to Fort El Burrito to lure the animals out of their homes in hopes that they will aid them in their battle. This has worked a number of times before but it is never a definite chance. 

Eventually Fort El Burrito came into sight, with them they now had the aid of a wild Boogersnatcher Bat who seemed more than ready to claw the enemies noses off. 

Their approach to the camp started off slow, as they attempted to see how many enemies they were really dealing with. They readied their instruments, making sure they were properly tuned before the ultimate bashing of a lifetime. They were able to successfully make their way to the wall without being seen. At this moment they got into a proper, full sneak attack position with their instruments tight in hand. 

At the sight of Sir Tillington's hand, all began to play! Very loudly and horrifically scaring out the unexpected bandits who were scrambling to find their way. The Boogersnatcher Bat dive bombed a number of the bandits and tore at their fleshy noses, bloodying them real good. Then Sir Tillington's band of married men charged forth storming the old fort without hesitation or remorse. Every bandit within that encampment had fallen and had lost their nose. If they were not dead then they were to bleed out due to the lack of blood in their faces. 

The men then had free reign over all of the loot the bandit home had to offer. They explored the dungeons, the sleeping quarters, the kitchen, the dog pens and scoured every last bit of value they could find within the whole place. However... one man, Lance Corporal Captain King Chief Commanding Petty Officer Sergeant Jeff had stumbled upon something that was immovable within the deep depths of the basement. The room was rotted and smothered with moss and mold all over the walls, ceilings, doors, floors, and windows... yes windows... in a basement. It was easy to tell no one, even the bandits had known of this place for it had been untouched and uncleaned for what has to have been at least a decade considering the fort was taken ten and a half years ago by a rock band of Helltower witches.

Lance Corporal Captain King, ya you know, Jeff called up to his allies to have them come down to where he was. His voice was shivering and seemingly puzzled as he shouted... "Hey yo! Get down here I got something cool to show you guys!"

The men shuffled down into the deep and musty room that was being lit by a yellow shine coming from the back wall. Twas not the sun, for the windows were covered and had no real purpose in the basement, plus there were no windows on the back wall, and it was a gray day anyways so even if the outside was able to be seen, there would be no sun. 

Every man even Sir Tillington himself stood in awe at the sight of this large portal reaching the very ends of the wall all around. "It is as if the portal is the wall itself," said High King Tor- wait I mean said Vergasnout. Sorry I forgot this wasn't Skyrim for a second. Anyways moving on. 

"Who's going to step through it first...?" Asked married band member Oliffer.

Tuguck quickly responded to his question. "None of us should! A portal has not been heard of for hundreds of years. Who knows where it could lead."

"I'm going in..." Said Captain Staff Major Officer Sergeant Max. "I may be a married man... but it doesn't mean don't I regret getting married so... all in all I have nothing to lose."

"I shall be going too then." Stated Sir TIllington. "That is... if you go in first and do not die... because there shall be no man left behind, and I am curious."

Captain Staff Max guy, ya know, went in first, followed by Sir Tillington and others, as well as a reluctant Tuguck. 

The man begin to make their way down a paved highway in the dead of night, one of them reading a sign out loud. "War... kest... ter? What the bloody fucking hell is a Wor-cest-ter?" 

"My question is what is this material used to form this road? It is solid... but it is not regular stone..." Said another man, but it was far too dark to make out who was who and their accents are so weird and funny that they all sounded the same to me.

They then see a bright light coming from a far, the portal had disappeared as they had gone through it. They all stood as if they were deer in headlights... but they do not know what that saying means. 

"An angel!" One man, I think it was Jeff, screamed.

With a loud screech of breaks and a hard thud and scream in agony, it suddenly went quiet. 

Soon after the silence is broken with the sound one of their own, gasping for air and a female driver in the car screaming. They then all begin to frantically panic and a loud scream from one of the men... "WE'RE LOST!"

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