
186 16 0

It's me again! And
I'm here to talk to
you about the ☆.

You know what
they are, right?

Yes, votes!

Well, it's completely
up to you whether or
not to vote, because
the chapter files are
unlocked at random.

If you want, you can
complain to our Operator
for earlier unlock dates!

I think...

Operator: That is correct.
Please state your complaints
on a separate file designated
for such things. And admin,
keep your unnecessary babble
to a minimum.

Administration: Tch. Whatever.
Now you know it's not completely
necessary, and any complaints can
be forwarded towards the Operator!
In a PM, I believe it is. Or was it a board?

A complaints board..?

Operator: It is both. As long
as you address it as 'to Operator: --'
and your complaint, they will
be sent to me via COMM and
I will be able to reply.

Administration: Y...Yeah. Do that.
Oh -- lookie here, we're low on time
again! Toodles!


Administrator and Operator
have blocked your access to this

Proceed to: P R O L O G U E?


> Y E S

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