When/Where you first meet

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Cassidy: You we're sitting at the bar, head in your hands, thinking about what just happened in the parking lot outside. Two tall, muscular men had attempted to rob you and possibly even rape you. What they didn't know was that you had just returned from Afghanistan and know how to beat someone's ass in minutes.

"What's wrong, Love?" You hear someone say in an Irish accent as they sit on the bar stool next to you, but you don't look up.

"I just had to beat a couple of guys' asses, so much that they might be clinging to life out in the parking lot right now." You gesture your hand to the door, still keeping your head down.

The man asks the bartender for a bottle of Ratwater and takes a swig, "Lovely, well the name's Cassidy." You look up to see him leaning his back on the bar, facing you, arm reached out, bottle in hand. "Cheers."

"Morgan. Nice to meet you, Cassidy. I hope your willing to share," you respond in a monotone manner, hinting at the bottle in his hand before bumping yours against his.

Tulip: You were after a fugitive in your cop car, lights beaming and sirens blaring. Turning the street corner, you spot the car once again and begin to chase the car in hot pursuit. Soon after, your car rolls several times while trying to turn a corner during the car chase. Smoke and flames come into your peripheral view and you feel hands struggle to pull your body out of the car. Before everything fades out you can see the face of a tanned woman, and behind her, the car you were chasing.

"It's alright miss, we're gonna get you some help real soon. Just hang on," you hear a very muffled, soft female voice say, attempting to reassure you.

You wake up in a hospital room surrounded by empty space. As you look around you can see that you're hooked up to an IV drip and a heart monitor. Footsteps can be heard outside the door and you figure that it must be a nurse or a nurse's assistant, but who walks through the door is the fugitive who just saved your life.

"Tulip O'Hare," you state.

"Yes ma'am, that's me. Your welcome, too, for getting you to a hospital. You looked pretty beat up after your car rolled and caught fire."

"Thanks, I guess," you grunt in pain. Sitting up was definitely not going to happen anytime soon. The muscles in your back refused to even move an inch.

"Looks like we might run into each other again soon, although, I hope it's not for another car chase." That's all you heard from her before she left you alone in the hospital room.

All you could muster was a quiet, "thank you."

Jesse: You were new to the town after moving from Florida. It was a Sunday so you decided to check out the towns church and listen to the service. As you walked in, you were greeted by a very handsome broody, yet baby-ish face. It wasn't long before everyone was inside and scattered throughout the pews. The man that had introduced himself earlier walked to the front podium and began speaking.

"No sermon today. You're welcome for that." The preacher continued to speak into the crowd, but you were too distracted by him to listen to anything he was saying, all the sound had faded. You studied his facial features for awhile and before you knew it, the service was over.

You gathered your things, preparing to drive home, and begin to turn around when you see an arm was reaching out to you, signaling a hand shake. "Jesse Custer," he stared at you sweetly while waiting for you to respond, deciding to be polite, you shook his hand gently. "Morgan Hager. Pleased to meet you Jesse."

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