The Prince

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Min Yoongi a name that crossed many lips, but only few live to talk much about the time they spent together. The man known as a Prince of the land wasn't all you'd think he'd be, not kind, nor pleasant to be around. A ticking time bomb was what he was, and most knew the effects when he blew. Servants witness the harsh treatment first hand while others only hear about it, through the gossip that seemed to spread like a wild fire. Though the Prince was quite tyrant, the kingdom was no better. A land were justice never shone, a land where death lurked around every corner, and which the commoners, or as the Prince called them peasants had no happiness the life literally would be sucked out of them as they'd walk through the gates of his kingdom. Which many considered hell on Earth.

The said Prince was now in a conference room, servants running around to serve his every command to make his business partner feel more at home, but honestly it was all an act. He quite despised the man who sat in front of him wondering when he'd drop dead like those other hags he'd make deals with. Though his position being quite high many feared what hell he could cause, so they'd agree to the deals quietly no matter how unfair, and if they struggled oh well that was a different fate. "Sir, I must say it was nice of you to drop by," he said in a sickeningly sweet tone, before a dark look met the other males stare. The Prince's dead eyes trailing the males noticing each ragged breath that left, as he watched the male attempt to calm down. "Should I bring your death day sooner?" He asked, his voice dropped a few octaves as he spoke watching the male gulp.

Grabbing his sword from his hilt he slowly pulled out the onxy blade, engraved with black gems, and of course his name on the handle. "I'm sorry, but I've lost interest in your deals." He said in fake pity, before stepping towards the other a deadly aura surrounding him, as the top of his sword reached the others neck. It seemed as though the other male was about ready to scream, and in all honesty he wasn't feeling the need to deal with it.

A quick push forward, and the blade had pierced the others throat, before he made his way over pulling the other male up by his hair. "Ah, what a shame," a frown taking over his features. "Your blood has gone, and stained my new shirt." A slight sigh left his lips, as he released the others hair leaving him to die.

Once out of the room he looked down at his white button up shirt, which had newly been tailored, and was now covered with a swine of a man's blood. His gaze fell upon a short male who seemed to be quite in shock at the scene in front of him "make yourself useful peasant, and go clean up that room." Yoongi glared, as he looked down at his sword which was still coated in blood. "Also take this, and clean it then return it to me." He ordered, as he threw the sword over to the male not caring if it hurt him or not, as he made his way around the castle.

His goal was to make it to his room, and change from the disgusting button up he was in now knowing he'd never touch it again. Once he'd found his way he walked into his closet deciding for once he'd get dressed on his own, he found it quite tiresome to have peasants touch him. As he rummaged trough his nest closet, a black button up caught his eyes, deciding to take the dirty one off, and change into the other satisfied with it's looks. Yoongi's pale skin almost contrasting with the black outfit, how odd it was that such a pure looking male could cause so much pain, and negative energy. How such a short creature could control all of the kingdom, and could do as he pleased without being stopped.

His crown tilted to the side slightly, as he looked to his door hearing the sudden knock, but unsure who it was. "Who's there?" He asked his voice cold as ice, waiting to hear a reply, as he brushed out his shirt while looking at the door intently waiting for a voice to speak up. It honestly could have been one of two people, the peasant he sent off with his sword, or the commander who ad heard about his reckless actions. He honestly perfered the peasant to come rather than the commander, not wanting to hear anymore about playing smart, and watching his moves. He could of course kill him too, but something in him just didn't feel like it was a smart move, since he proved himself worthy of his title countless times over.

Yes guys I wrote another story hope you enjoy, feedback would be appreciated!

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