Chaper 1: Doughnuts and Kisses

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Tyler's POV

I woke up to a loud bang and immediately felt around the bed for Troye. He wasn't there, so much for a great start to the day...

i grunted and felt the night stand for my glasses. "Calm down Tyler. He went with Zoe to go get breakfast. He'll be back." Korey said handing me my glasses and smirking. "What are you doing?" i asking in a yawn. "Zoe called and said you better get up. They are almost home and you, me and Troye have a main stage event around 11. I was coming to wake you up, but I tripped."

I looked at the clock. 9:35! God, all I wanted was some sleep. In Italy me and Troye hardly got any because of the other boys loud actions. And to top it off for most of the week i had been sick with a very bad cold. "Ughh. I'm going back to sleep. Ill get up when i smell food." Korey rolled his eyes at me and muttered 'suit yourself diva' i threw one of the extra pillows at him and laughed as he shot me a glare and walked out the room. After putting my glasses back up and checking my phone i curled up into the bed.


After about 10 minutes i heard the door creak open. "Tilly..." Troye whispered in his deep morning voice. I smiled to my self but still pretended to be asleep. Troye climbed onto the bed and sat cross legged up against my back that was facing him. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my fore head softly a few times. 

"Hey Tilly, its time to wake up." I gave up my act and turned to face him. He grinned at me and pulled me into a hug. We stayed like that for a minute before he kissed my nose quickly and got up. i gave him a questioning look and he just smiled at me. "Come on!!!! Tilllllllyyyyyy. I am hungry and if you do not come i will stay at Alfie's tonight. Not with you." I sat up and grabbed my glasses to follow him out the room. He turned to me and smirked. "What?!" i asked him laughing a little."You might want to put on some clothes." he responded before walking away giggling. I looked down and realized i was only in my boxers, and i must have taken my shirt of during the night.

i threw on a pair of sweat pants and the gray tee i was wearing and went into the kitchen. When i arrived the first person to greet me was Connor. "So nice of you to join us Oakley." he said reaching across the bar to grab a doughnut from the box.Troye was making Tea for him and Zoe but i noticed he had placed my favorite kind of doughnut on a heart shaped napkin, along with an iced latte from Star Bucks. I smiled as i sat down to eat.

After finishing up with breakfast and helping Zoe tidy we started to get ready for our event."What are you wearing?" Troye asked while shutting the door to "our" room. I shrugged and went over to my bags. I dug through it to find my favorite jumper and held it up. "This?" i said more like a question. He nodded. "Mmm sexy." i rolled my eyes at him and began to change. "Are you just going to watch me?" i said in a joking manner. Like i cared if he watched me or not. "Well" he said sitting on the bed and crossing his legs "I have to wait because i need your help, but i don't mind seeing you shirtless." He said just as i finished. I just shook my head at him and went over to his stuff, laying out an out fit to go good with mine. "Can i borrow your phone charger?" He asked (Still sitting on his ass) i nodded and he went over to my bags. "Tilly, why did you bring all this crap?" I laughed and said "Gotta look good if you are the queen!" and threw the outfit at him as i went to do my hair.

About 30 minutes later we were in Zoe's car on the way to the venue. We went back stage and waited for us to be called. After only a small amount of time, the director told me and Troye to come on. We sat down and answer questions without a problem until Korey asked one in particular.

"So" he said smiling "Is Troyler real?" he questioned. We paused for a moment, hoping that he would add 'reallllly excited to be in England' or some thing like that, but he didn't. I felt my throat lock and i couldn't answer. I just couldn't lie to my fans, but I'm not ready to tell them the truth. In fact i don't even know the truth. i Turned and saw the masked panic in Troye's eyes, but being the good little actor he was he answered quickly with a smile. "Well me and Tyler are just friends....Troyler is realllllll.......lllyyy excited to be in England!!!" I nodded and grinned with him, but we both knew he had just lied to thousands of people. 

I broke out of my daze when the crowd started chanting "KISS KISS KISS KISS" over and over. Me and Troye had promised to kiss if we hit half a million on my birthday fundraiser and we did. But we still hadn't done the kiss. Troye leaned into me, and said "Ty its ok, we don't have too...."   I was to sad at this moment. I needed  a kiss right now. "No, lets do it." i said giving him a weak smile. He looked shocked but nodded. "ONE! TWO! THREE!" Troye leaned in and put his hand over our mouths. At first i thought it was because he wanted to fake it, but i came to realize that it was because he didn't want them to see the passion in it. The kiss -though way to short- was more passionate and amazing than any other kiss we have shard. When Troye broke apart I felt my face become red as a cherry, and i covered my mouth.

"Bye!" Troye said in an adorable voice and ran off stage. I followed behind,slower, and still in shock of what happened. 

When i got off of the stage Troye was standing there smiling at me. "Troye!" i said grabbing him and pecking him on the lips. He grinned at me with those perfect teeth of his. That cheeky twink! I was glad there wasn't really anyone back stage to see us (that really cared) because i wasn't letting go of his slender body. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off to the side. "You know, i like it when people bit my lip when they kiss." He blushed a tiny bit and just smiled at me.

"Are you going to say anything doofus?" i asked. He cave me a very serious look. "Tilly... i want Pizza."  I laughed at his ridiculousness and walked out to find Zoe.

Unidentified Labels; A Troyler Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now