I am Jailed

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Thursday, January 25, 20xx

I was a kid. I was a happy kid. I slowly grew and realized the world and society's flaws. Judged by everyone. Hurt by everyone. But not loved by everyone. It stings, I became suicidal. I cry every night but nothing really happens. The only thing that kept me sane is the way I think that maybe if I die, my friends would cry. My parents and my siblings might cry. They love me, do they... really? Or I'm just fooling myself?

I laugh a lot. Eat a lot. Sleep a lot, thinking that it would ease my pain. Everyday, I go out and battle with the world, carry its burdens that gets heavy everyday. Social life? I don't have that. I'm not an anti but, I can't. Not allowed.

Maybe I matter. Maybe I have that someone that thinks of me as a human, not some cursing machine and a lazy shit.  Yes I am that. I made myself like that to not look weak. To not look vulnerable and easy.

It's just so sad that no one sees deep within.

But it's okay, I have myself anyway. Yeah, keep believing that fool.

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