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4 years have passed. Annabelle and Christopher were now 4 years old but almost 5 years. Elsa finally took her mind off about them having sorcery. Everything was normal.

One day, Kristoff and Anna went to the market to get some supplies for Annabelle and Christophers birthday party. Elsa and Olaf stayed to baby sit.

Annabelle and Christopher knew thaf Elsa had powers since the age of 2. Elsa makes a ice rink for them while their mom and dad(Kristoff and Anna) went out to somewhere. When Kristoff and Anna left, Christopher and Annabelle got Elsa by her hands and led her to the ballroom. That usually means that they want Elsa to make an ice rink.

"Do the magic! Do the magic!" They both begged. Elsa giggled and started to make snow flurries in her hand and exploding it into the air making it snow. Olaf was there running around.

"You both remind me of your mother so much" said Elsa when she stomped on the floor making an ice rink.

"Haha whoa!" said Christopher.

"Skate with me brother!" said Annabelle holding Christophers hand. The 2 siblings were skating around until Christopher let her go.

"Hey!" yelled Annabelle "I can't skate on my own!"

"Yes you can sister!" said Christopher skating circles around her "Its not that difficult, see?"

Annabelle saw Christopher skating like an expert, then Annabelle thought that she could too. Then she started to realize she could do it too! Annabelle laughed and skated by Christophers side.

"See? Its not that hard" said Christopher. Annabelle started to skate around like crazy until she slipped..

Christopher turned around and saw that Annabelle was about to fall.

"Annabelle!" cried Christopher which made Elsa and Olaf turn around.

Annabelle closed her eyes and put her hands in front of her face, knowing that her face was about to hit the ice rink. But all she heard was a gasp and then felt something that she has never felt before and felt like as if she landed in a pool. When she opened her eyes she saw that she was in a hole full of water steaming.

"What..? What happened?" asked Annabelle.

"No no no no.. This cant be happening.." Elsa said to herself.

"Elsa.. Is she like you?" Olaf asked behind Elsas cape.

"Annabelle you have.." said Christopher "F-f.."

"Fire sorcery.." Elsa finished his sentence. All eyes were on Annabelle. Annabelle couldn't stop looking at her hands. She finally stood up and tried to approach Christopher but he took a step back.

"Christopher.. Please.." said Annabelle

Christopher looked back at Elsa.

"Elsa could that mean that I also have powers?" asked Christopher looking at his hands and back to Elsa.

"I-I don't know.." said Elsa looking at Christopher and back at Annabelle who was staring at Christopher.

Olaf saw sadness in Annabelles eyes since Christopher was afraid. Olaf took a step foward and gave Christopher a shove which made him get closer to Annabelle. When he did, Annabelle started to hug him. Christopher tried to hug back but he couldn't. He shoved he away and ran to his room. Annabelle stood her with tears in her eyes looking at Elsa and also ran out of the ballroom. Elsa worried and chased after Annabelle. She was hiding in the garden. Elsa sat by her side and hugged her real tight. They both look at the at the ducklings walking by. Elsa noticed that it was nearly sunset.

Flames: A Frozen SequelWhere stories live. Discover now