My Love

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~First POV~ Zoro~
As soon as we left the restaurant I knew Luffy wouldn't let her go. Wen we reached the docks everyone was on board, "Hey Luffy! I'll be cooking in a minute!" Curly brow yelled "Mina! We will have a new crew mate!" Luffy yelled. It's funny, how we refuse him yet, somehow, he manages to make us say yes. So we all know she'll say yes. "What? How Luffy?" Nami asked. I can already tell she'll ask if she has money or not, " We will wait for her to say yes! I won't leave until she says yes" Luffy told them. And on cue when Luffy said 'her' and 'she' curly brow practically appeared out of no where and started imagined what she will look like, something in me says I need her here. Just when sanji was about to say something we heard a voice singing.

~First POV~ Rin~
Since the restaurant is closed I decided to  go to my favorite resting spot. It's an edge of the island kinda far but not too close. As I was walking I decide to sing a song of course Shadow and Jack were behind me, They always do that I remember my past, my dark past. I sang (A/N I won't put lyrics because it takes a while so sorry) as I walk in the forest I hit the trees with power and haki, and yes I can use haki, I had it since I was young, there are three different types of haki, there's Observant Haki, Armament Haki, and finally the one which we all have but if hard to unlock, Conqueror's Haki. I have all three of them, I can use any kind of devil fruits  and use it with them. Hell! I can sell them for a good high price. But I try not to, if people found out I would be a slave to the Marines to make a army with devil fruit powers. 

I also attack using my mind, I don't even need to use my devil fruit powers, you can say its in my blood. I shiver at the thought of how I got my telekinesis. "Are you okay Rin?" Shadow asked in a worried tone, I turn to her "Did I ever tell you how I got here?" "No? you told us you were born here." Jack said "Oh. That was a lie..." "Huh?!"shadow and jack said. "well I'll tell you." I told them "Okay." Shadow said while Jack sat on my lap along with Shadow. " Well... I was young real young, around 7, I was bought from my family, adopted family, since they hated me...


 When I was bought , I was bought by a crazy scientists, he had other experiments numbered I was number eleven (A/N REFERENCE  ANYONE?!) ,he would stick pins and needles to tournament me and experiment on me, my 'home' was basically a laboratory, whenever I slept I always had lucid dreams, horrible ones. Then one day he came to me with a big needle, that was also the day I question myself "When will I be free?", I screamed in pain as he put it in my side. Next day he told me to move something with my mind, so I tried and I practically made everything in the room float. He said he would be a millionaire if he sold me but ever experiment has a symptom and mine was bleeding from my nose and if I use it for too long I will bleed through my ears too. When he sold me to slaves i was the main attraction later I was up a bought by a Celestial Dragon. I heard how they were evil. But this woman she was different. Instead of a slave she adopted me as her daughter. But since I wasn't blood she transplanted her blood into mine. So I'm basically half normal half freak and half Nobel. I loved it for sometime until it was her time. I love her. She was my mom figure. But she told me her last words "Always be free in mind and heart, don't let anyway put you in chains, if so break out of it, go and be free my little Rin. Promise me that you would be good, and love the world like you should. Live on as Jade D. Rin, My Love" "I'll be good...I'll be good! And I'll love the world like I should! And thank you, for being my mom. No one could've done it better than you!" I yelled as a tear dropped onto her now face that had a smile as she took her final breath."THANK YOU!" I cried and screamed. After her sad funeral, I decided to travel around the world and found myself here on this island. I was fond of it, they gave me a job at that restaurant. I loved it all of it. Then I had a letter come for me it was from her, it told information and that I have a brother, since she told the marines to find info on me. And I read but nothing on my brother. 

*Flashback end*

My info also said I had a the D. in it so yeah. thats how I got my name Jade D. Rin". I look to see  Shadow and Jack with sad looks. "Your crying Rin" shadow says pointing at my face. "Oh sorry hehe" I wipe it off. It fell silent until we hear a twig snap and an instant I used my make make fruit to make a cage of gold to see who it was, while Shadow grew with Jack ready for a fight. When I checked on my stalker. You would not believe who it was. "Shishishi hi again!" Yup it was Monkey D. Luffy and Zoro, with a few other people.

A/N I'll try to update as soon as I can anyway thanks and good bye my jacks~~

The Siren Pirate (One PiecexOc) [Discontinued] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt