Chapter 1

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Aside from the whirring of a computer the small apartment is otherwise silent, something common at that time of night. Slivers of moonlight filter through the slits in the blinds, combining with the glow of the monitor to cast the living room in a pale glow. It was only at times like this that her addiction would surface. Slowly, she makes her way across the room, setting herself in front of the monitor. The file loads slowly, almost agonizingly so.

"Come on already," she mutters to herself. The chair squeaks as it moves from side to side, pausing momentarily when the login screen pops up.

"Finally," the girl groans, fingers flying across the keyboard as she types in her passcode, a satisfying click of the mouse to finish. A few moments later a match notification pops up, and without hesitation she clicks accept, waiting to load in. The champion screen appears and immediately she types a message into the chat.

GucciPanda: bot adc

"Fuck!" She swears out loud, seeing as someone had called it already.

YiSince93: Sorry sweetheart it's taken

YiSince93: Wanna support me?

GucciPanda: yeah sure

The cursor hovers over several different champions before finally settling on one. "We'll bring them pain," the champion, Morgana, says on screen. The girl locks in her decision, messing with her masteries as she waits for the others. Within a couple seconds the champion load in screen appears and she eyes the skin for her champion, as well as YiSince93's champion.

Project Lucian? Nice choice.

A minute or two later the game begins and the pair head to their lane, waiting for minions to spawn. Conversation in the team chat between the two flows easily, occasional jokes earning a laugh from the brunette. The game goes just as smoothly, the duo dominating their lane and carrying the game. The stats come up and a smile tugs at her lips. 15/4/30 not bad. Her cursor lingers over YiSince93 as she debates adding him. It couldn't hurt... she reasons, submitting the friend request before she could change her mind. A couple seconds later a ping echos through the room.

YiSince93:hey you were great in that game

GucciPanda: Thanks! You were too ^~^

YiSince93: we made quite the team, do you want to join my friends and my discord chat?

GucciPanda: sure, if we can make this a permanent thing

YiSince93: lol then will you be the support to my adc?

GucciPanda: Smooth af xD but sure~ try to keep up ;D

YiSince93: haha okay yeah sure , here's the link for the chat ^^

GucciPanda: awesome, give me a sec

YiSince93: okay, join the voice channel when you get on and we can do another game

The smile on her face has grown through the duration of the chat and without any hesitation she joins his discord channel. She loads into the voice channel and slips on a headset.

"H-hello?" She says, cursing herself for stuttering.

"Ayy! Guys this is the person i was telling you about!" She hears someone with a low voice say.

"Yo welcome to the big dick club!" Another voice calls out.

"Umm, thanks?"

"Wait, bro is this a girl?" A different voice asks, shock carrying over the headset.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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