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Kakashi sighs. He's never sighed so many times in one morning. He stands in front of his homeroom, all thirty of them, and they're staring with caution and curiosity of the pink-haired girl beside him.

"Everyone, this is our new student, Aizawa Sakura. Sakura-san, this is Class 2B. Welcome."

At her cue, Sakura bows politely and says, "Thank you. I'm happy to be here."

The class is a large one and Sakura, while being used to so much spotlight, is anxious. Having all eyes on her makes her feel giddy and she's sure her cheeks are a little flushed. She gnaws on her bottom lip, grinning at her new classmates.

These are the people she'll spend the next six months with. Her heart is pounding beneath her rib cage. Can they hear it?

A hand at the back of the class shoots up, and the Haruno is goes a bit stiff.

"Yes?" calls Kakashi.

"Ano, your hair really that pink?"

And it seems to be a question everyone is wondering about because a murmur of agreement washes over them like a bucket of ice cold water.

Sakura takes a strand of her hair between her fingers and smiles outwardly. "Yes! Just like my mother's. I promise you it's not fake."

She looks at Kakashi, almost as if asking permission to continue on, and the man merely dips his head in a sort of dismissing nod. Sakura takes a step forward.

A girl with a long slick pony tail stands and offers her hand right into the Haruno's face. "Yamanaka Ino," she says with pride. Sakura blinks and then shakes. "I'm one of the class reps. Nice to meet you, Aizawa-chan."

Sakura tilts her head slightly and purses her lips, trying to match a face and voice to the name. "Yamanaka sounds familiar," she supposes. Kakashi's ears prick and tune in carefully to analyse just what Sakura is implying.

One wrong move, and the whole jig could be up. Her entire facade can crumble, so she's just got to choose her words wisely.

Ino smirks.

Ino is the type of girl who is arrogant and very sure of herself. She holds much pride in her appearance and her heritage, which can make her come off as a princess. However she certainly knows how to work a crowd and win people over, a main reason she's in the running for school president.

"My father is the owner of a popular and famous string of shoe stores. I'm his one and only heir," informs Ino, slightly smug. "I'm not surprised you've heard of it."

"I see," says Sakura, eyes curving as she smiles. And Kakashi knows that look.

Sakura's interest - it's piqued. And by Ino, of all people. That could possibly be the Haruno's downfall. Ino is resourceful and manipulative and she's damn good at getting what she wants. If Sakura puts her trust in the Yamanaka, things could all go downhill from thereon in.

Ino steps aside and gestures to the seat next to her as if no one is sitting there. A mousy brunette is seated there though and she jumps when attention is suddenly bought to her.

"You have a firm handshake. I like you, Aizawa-chan. So, please. Sit with me."

The girl whose seat Ino offers widens her eyes but with only a cold look, she jumps out of her seat and scatters for one at the back of the room. Sakura arches an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the social structure and reformatories that are built within Konoha Academy. She never thought high school could feel so high school.

"Thank you," she chirrups. "But no thank you." When Ino's smile threatens to crack, the Haruno points at the ceiling where there's an air vent. "I have allergies so I think I'd prefer to sit at the back."

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