Chapter One: Final Scene

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This is kind of a James Phelps x Reader although it's easier for me as a writer to not have to put y/n all the time, so you are Tsunami Forester or Indigo Phillips in the movie and to make it easier again for me I have decided what she looks like so sorry if what I describe isn't you.

They told me I had to think of something sad so the crying was more realistic. It wasn't hard, I always teared up when I thought of George without Fred, or in this case Oliver without James. Plus it was so lifelike, James looked like he was actually dead. I entered the scene looking bloody and battered, I looked around kind of dazed before spotting the Weasley family huddling around someone I rushed forward with a limp before Mrs Weasley turned and spotted me, " Oh Indy" she exclaimed and embraced me as I got closer. I paled and let a tear escape as I saw Fred (James) laying there, motionless. I dropped by him crying, I intertwined my hand with his and gave him a farewell kiss as I sat there sobbing over my 'boyfriends' dead body.

"Cut" David the producer called from his chair " Perfect absolutely perfect" he called, I smiled still feeling a tear rolling down my cheek, I let it . . . until it got swept away by a rough thumb, I turned to see James wiping away my tear , he smiled "I didn't know you'd miss me so much" he said with a chuckle, "you know I would" I said nudging him playfully , "That's a wrap on James Phelps" David called out and the all the actors and crew clapped , I looked at him and raised an eyebrow as I clapped, "congrats" I said , "I will never see you again" he said over dramatically and hugged me, I giggled, "your brother is still filming and don't forget about the premiere", he grinned mischievously "I know, I just need an excuse to hug you . . . You . . . You cute little burrito" he said not letting me go, "Burrito?" I said questioningly, I had never been called that before. "Shhh it's okay" James said stroking my face as he finally let go of me, I giggled and smiled showing my dimples "awww your dimples are so cute" he said hugging me again "James, you don't need a reason to hug me" I said so he would stop saying stupid things "Yes free hugs" He cried , "James get off the poor girl" Oliver said and pried James off me, "she said free hugs though" James retorted, " really" Oliver said and grinned mischievously "in that case" Oliver said and hugged me, "you guys are soo weird" I said squirming out of his grip. "But you love us," James said, "maybe," I said ruffling both their hair and walking off.


"man you gotta tell her how you feel," Oliver said to me immediately after Tsunami was out of earshot, " I can't I get all weird when I'm around her, ever since the kiss at the start of filming the deathly hallows part one" I said running my hand through my hair.

~ Flashback brought to you by Time-Turners. Co ~

It was Bill's wedding scene, finally, I had been looking forward to this scene, mainly because I got to kiss Tsunami who I had a major crush on, kind of coincidence really since her character and mine were dating. "Fred I'm scared," Indigo ( Tsunami ) said I looked into her eyes, that was my cue "Don't worry everything will be okay," I said and kissed her before breaking away and send a spell towards a death eater who had just apparated there.

~ End Flashback ~

"Hello earth to James" Oliver said snapping his fingers in front of my face, I shook my head "huh", "gosh you just spaced out for a moment their" Oliver said grinning, "Thinking about Nami no doubt", "Shut up" I said as we started to walk toward the door which leads out of the studio.


"Tsunami you have to tell him," Bonnie said to me, "I can't I go all weird when I'm around him ever since he asked my character out on set in the goblet of fire, " I said desperately.

~ Flashback brought to you by Pensive. Inc ~

I was sitting on the edge of the black lake dipping my toes in, when James came up behind me, oh god I know what he was gonna say next, I had memorised the whole scene, everyone's lines and everyone's actions. " Hello Indy," Fred ( James ) said " Hey" I replied still looking out at the lake, "I just wanted to ask how you and Cormac are going," He asked, " What do you mean?" I asked looking at him, "Well you went with him to the ball so I assumed something was going on" he said now It was his turn to look out across the lake , he did so, "I hate Cormac with a passion , I only went because no one else asked me" I said now looking at the ground and started to draw in the dirt " What really, what a relief" he said smiling at me when I looked up, "what do you mean" I asked, "well I kinda had a crush on you since like forever and couldn't live with myself knowing that Cormac had beat me to you" he said smiling in an embarrassed way, " but what about Angelina" I asked, "I only asked her to make you jealous" he said , "didn't work" I replied, " I know but now that I know Cormac hasn't beaten me I wanted to ask you if you would be my girlfriend" Fred ( James ) said this with an odd easiness, " I'd love to" I said smiling up at him before he hugged me, yet again.

~ End Flashback ~

"hello earth to Tsunami" Bonnie ( Ginny ) said waving her hand in front of my face, "Huh" I said snapping back into reality as the memory passed by , "Jeez if I didn't know any better I'd think you were thinking about James" Bonnie teased, " Shut up before someone hears" I said desperately and she just smiled and said "You can trust me, I'm not your best friend for nothing you know" and with a wink of her eye she walked off leaving me to stand there alone like an idiot.

Thanks for reading to the end of this chapter! now I just wanted to clarify that I know Cormac is not in Fred and George's year but it was easier that way so now he is. Shhhh. Jeez, I'm all about making it easy for me, sorry guys. Anyway, thank you again, new chapter coming soon.

( Word Count: 1162 )

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