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I didn’t choose this life. To live with a clan, to stay in darkness, to feed on blood. I was born this way. This life chose me. I choose to embrace it. I don’t hate it; it’s actually not that bad. But I have to lie to my best friend, Faye. She’s human. I hate having to look at her pleading grey eyes and lie when she asks me: Why I have unusual deep blue eyes and why my pupils are deep black; why I don’t go to school with her; why I have to wear my tented black sunglasses when I’m out in daylight. I have to lie to her face and say: It’s genetic; I home school; they look cool on me.

            Sometimes I wish I could just blurt out everything. But I know that would mean death for her and me. She’s safer if she doesn’t know. I remind myself. She’s safe.

 I look out from the roof of my house on to the land that surrounds it, becoming darker from the sun going down for the day. It’s an open area but still secluded by tall trees and bushes. The small little clan called Utilizatori Noapte. Its Romanian for Night Watchers. We go about the woods to make sure no one or nothing is on our territory. From enemy vampire clans (we’re trying to work that out), hunters, and most of all werewolves. The thought of them makes me want to vomit up the blood of the raccoon I had earlier.

They’ve put us through so much. I’ve heard myths of how vampires nearly starved because those beasts were chasing prey away. If they know what’s best for them they better stay away from me and my family and the clans- My thoughts were interrupted me by my midnight blue colored raven croaking.

Someone is here. I thought. The raven that I named Seer can see anything and everything it wants. When some unwanted creature is around it croaks. Sometimes it can send me visions of what it sees. My father gave it to me for the 11th year of my life. It’s like my guide.

The doorbell rings. I go into my room from the window and pull out my gun with liquid Monkshood bullets, giving it a bluish-purplish glow. Just one bullet to a werewolf would kill it in less than 45 seconds. It’s extremely toxic to them.

I climb out the window once more onto the roof and jump two stories and I land silently. I slowly walk around the house to the front with my gun ready. As usual my heart beat begins to speed up and my necklace with the words Frumuseţe în moartebegins to feel warm around my neck. I peek around the corner and see a girl with fiery red hair practically jumping up and down at the door. Faye!

I quickly hide the gun in my back of my jeans and I walk into view of her.

“Hey!” I call. She turns around and faces me.

“Hi Lilith! I was wondering-” I cut her off. She can’t be here. At least not at night. The sun was almost completely gone and the vampires are going for a hunt soon.

“Um, how about we walk on our way back to your place.”

Her face goes from glee to confusion, but she just nods and follows me. When we are far enough away from the coven I stop her and began to speak.

“Faye! I told you to never come here when it’s dark out!” I quietly yelled. “Why couldn’t you just come by in the morning?”

“Well, what I had to tell you couldn’t wait until the morning.” She smiles widely. 

I sigh. You could have gotten yourself killed. I thought. But then I realize I can’t smell her. Her blood. Maybe she did something to cover it up. But that would make her…a witch. No, Faye Blaney is not a witch. She just can’t be. I try to compose myself and seem normal.

“What do you need to tell me?” I asked.

Even in this dim lighting, Faye’s strange colored grey eyes are big and bright and her red hair looks like its glowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2012 ⏰

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