Chapter 3

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(Excuse any writing mistakes because I made this chapter in piano class lol)


Song: Numb by aftertheparty

Skip to lunch-

"Guys guess who I just met?" Jimin said rushing towards the table to sit with the rest of us.

"Who?" I said stuffing my vegan burger into my mouth.

"Our new teacher for civics. He is totally hot. I was told that his name is Mr. Park and he's 28 years old!" Jimin said while picking at his grapes.

"Mhm" Yoongi cleared his throat which was obviously from jealousy.

"Awe, baby don't be jelly. You know I love you." Jimin said pinching Yoongi's cheeks.

"You better." Yoongi said with a stiff voice.

"So, what does he look like?" Chasety said out of curiosity while picking food off my plate.

"Well, he's tall about 5' something, blonde and black at the roots, a nice facial structure. He is wearing a button down long sleeve shirt but the sleeves are rolled up where you can see his arm tattoos, black skinny jeans, and black and white vans."

(like in the cover picture but idk what kind of hat that is)

"It sounds like he dress more like a teenager than an adult." I said shaking my head.

"OMG, it's the new teacher!"
"He's so cute"
"I would totally give him my virginity"
"Back off he's mine"

I hear a bunch of girl whisper screams about the new teacher so I turned around and there he was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. I had to admit he was hot, but not hot enough where I would fight over him. I turned back around to finish my food.

"I call dibs on him" Chasety said giggling while still looking at him.

"Sure, you can have him." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Ha!, As if you had a choice."

"You are something." I said shaking my head.

"Um hellloooo, boyfriend here" Namjoon said waving his hands in the air at Ciera.

"Sorry babe" Chasety said kissing his cheek.

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Well time for class you weirdos." I said getting up to throw the rest of my food away and put my tray away.

"Hey, stop talking about your self that way. " Namjoon said laughing.

"Shut up you wanna be rapper" I said grabbing Cieras arm to walk to math class.

"Awe, why you had to go there with it, Jackass" Namjoon said with a pouty lip.

"Oh shut up. " I said walking out of the cafeteria on our way to class.

~~Skip to end of the day~~

"OMG I'm so ready to go home." Jin said stretching in his seat.

"Shit, who you telling." Ho-seok said laying his head down.

"Are we going to Su-an's house after-school?" Jungkook asked while eating a bag of chips.

"Why? So y'all can come over and eat all of my food, drinks, snacks, and take over my video games?"

"Yup, basically." Tae-hyung said trying to take some of Jungkook chips but he smacked his hand away.

"Well even if I say no you guys are gonna show up anyway." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Yup." All the guys and Ciera said simultaneously.

The door opened and Mr. Park came inside. A lot of whispers started to rise, girls started to pull up the skirts and unbutton the top of their shirts to show of their mosquito bites that they call boobs, some guys took off their jacket to show off their muscles to seem intimidating. They all looked stupid in my eyes.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Park and I will be your new teacher for the rest of the year due to an incident with your previous teacher. I am an open book but do understand I am not obligated to answer all of your questions, please ask away."

The whole class raised their hands. Cho Lee was the first one to raise her hand.

"You, what's your question?" Mr. Park picked Cho Lee.

Cho Lee was one of the popular students. She nearly went with every high ranked guys here. Oh, and she hates me. She hated me since kindergarten. It's really sad. I'm not sure if it's a race thing or it's I'm better than her. Ha, the world may never know.

"Are you single Mr. Park?" Cho Lee asked swinging her hair over her shoulders to "look cute".

"Yes, I am" then the whispers got louder.

"I feel so bad for Mr. Park. He's gonna get eye raped for the whole year. " Ciera said shaking her head.

"I know right, especially by that whore, Cho Lee." Jungkook said while typing away on his phone.

More questions came like a tsunami. And he answered them, some were too inappropriate.

"OK OK, that's enough questions so please shut up." I said standing up getting annoyed by the loudness and the inappropriate questions.

"Sit down puff cake." Cho Lee said with a mug on her face.

"Wow, your mouth gets bigger everytime I see you. I think it's from all the cock you suck." I said with a fake smile on my face. Which shut her up.

Ciera pulled my arm and sat me down.

"Dude, you're making a horrible first impression in front of our new teacher. " She harshly whispered in my ear.

"Well then. I will call role call, then for the rest of the day we will watch a documentary."

"I'm really ready to go." I said laying my head down.

Well that was something wasn't it. Lol I just found out my best friend was the one commenting
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