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Hey guys!First,Ill start with this long Author's note so please bear with me.

This is a story that is written based on my own experience and feelings,and if you must know,yes I have been rejected.

I started this story on 19 January 2018,which is the same day I was rejected and felt hopeless about life.Hence,I wrote this story and I hope you guys enjoy this one based on my experiences.

Right now,there is this broken portion of me that wants to ramble a little.If you guys are seriously not interested in listening,please skip to the bottom where the starts.Thanks so much for reading!

So as many people who have read my about might know,Im a bisexual kid (not very proud though).For quite sometime,I have liked this senior of mine.She was so nice to me.She was the first and only one who supported me through all the drama in my life.Unloke the others,she didnt treat me like trash.Instead,she talked to me,tried to convince me about the good parts of life,consoled me,tried to pick me up from where I fell...If you would ask me,it is indeed a big mistake for me to like and tell her that.That angelic smile made me melt so much...

So if any of you guys want the full story of what happened,please drop me a comment or a message and Ill create a bonus chapter with my story on top.For my loyal readers of Triangular Love,this is also my compensation for the late and short updates lately which I sincerely apologize for right now.Due to many personal reasons and the increasing workload of homework and projects,I find myself having lesser free time to pick up my tablet or computer to start writing the stories.As you guys might know,the last few chapters have been incredibily short,which I really need to apologize for as an author.Im sorry guys!

Just before I end off,I want to warn you guys that this oneshot is really...Uhhhh.It has alot of personal feelings involved in it,not like the straightforwardly written type of story.Personally,I find several parts a lil triggering,so there are sensitive readers out there (I bet there aint),Please take caution when reading this.I mean like.I dont want you to do anything after reading materials like these?

Yup yup yup,this is pretty much my rambling for now.Lets get on with this oneshot right now,before anyome falls asleep😂😂😂.Happy reading!

Author's POV/3rd Person's POV

What is that?


Why does it hurt so much?

The 2 people in his life he loved the most have left him one by one,each one hurting him more and more.First it was Mouri Ran,his first love and someone he treated like his little sis.Now it was Miyano Shiho,his trusted senior...

Was he that worthless that the world had to turn against him?Was he really that piece of trash who sometimes secretly cried in the toilet?Was he the one that everyone called an 'attention seeking whore' who just cuts for attention?Was he really that failure who needs to rely on everyone for help?Was he really that disgusting kid sitting at the front of the class who everyone publicly judged and mocked?

19 January 2018.

The most eventful day of his life.


The following is the text message conversation of Shinichi and Shiho.

Shinichi:Im just trying to shove the truth in my face.SHE DOESNT LIKE ME.



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