Part 2

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Hey guys...Its 7:11 in the morning right now and Im dying alr...Enjoy this update...

What could he do?What could Shinichi do to make Shiho like him?


Deep down,he was just a self hating internalized Homo whos attention seeking and stupid.What can ever be done to help someone like him,who even he hinself cant help himself?

In his mind,his thoughts spun so much that he can see everything in slow-motion,even in real life.He could see,each and everyone one of his friends,having fun and laughing with each other.He could see,everyone's hatred towards himself.He could see,everyone's happiness as they played with their friends.Then he looked at himself.

Why was he the only one,left alone and abandoned?Why was he the only one,who could never be with someone he loved?Why was he the only one,torturing himself as the days go past?Why was he the only one...

Right now he could see it happening.He could see Shiho talking to this boy Gin from the other class.They were laughing,talking,joking.You can see them so happy.That happiness from Shiho was something that even Shinichi himself could never give to her.He ran past the many tall walls,into the empty hallway.

Slumping at the corner of the seemingly endless corridor,he let himself break down.He bashed his head against the wall,as more tears and snot gushed out from him.It wasnt just jealousy-It was shame and guilt.Even with him,Shiho never smiled this brightly.

People think it is easy for someome to just turn around.Turn around,walk away,as if there is no difference.Everyone sympathises with the one left behind,in the endless suffering.

But they forgot.

If the vicitim feels so bad...

What would the one who left feel?

No one understand how hard it is to avoid someone.No one understands how hard it is to act fine and happy.No one understands how hard it is not to cry.No one understands the depth of love he had.

She was his world.

She was his everything.

Now hes nothing but a shell.

The once happy boy who loved sports,joking around,is now nothing more than a slouchy boy who sat at a corner,staring into blank space.The once sparkling and filled with love eyes were now empty and hollow,the life gone from it.He thought about his future.

His future.

Would he even have one?

The future looks so far away.It was as if the tunnel he was in had no end.It was pitch black,empty and cold.He lost the light,the companion and the warmth he got from Shiho.

As much as he wanted to talk to her.As much as he wanted to gently walk beside her,hold her tightly in an embrace and whisper to her all the things he wanted to say.

The cold hard truth was staring in his face.

He cant.

He couldnt be with her.Then why is it so hard for him to fave the truth?The little hope in his heart that hasnt died was the only thing that kept him going.

This vicious cycle continued on for days and days.With the blink of an eye,the blinding flash of light,a month has past.

He was nothing more than an ordinary school boy.He has his Volleyball CCA while trying not to look at her,he stopped meeting her in the morning...

Indeed,the unrebukable truth was that as much as his life changed,he was still alive.

(Here,I would like to pause for a small Author's note.It really has been close to a month.Even though the pain faded,it is still plaguing me.It hurts,really.And here comes the twist which I wont write into the story,but ill share it with all of you at the end of the story.And if all of you are keen,maybe Ill publish a bonus chapter...)

He knew that deep within him,his soul was already gone.No one,not even his parents could replace Shiho.

His parents were the one who has been manipulating his life.His whole life.What to do,what to become,how to feel...He doesnt even have a life.All his life,he has just been listening to what people tell him.And when he disagrees or opposes,all the insults hurled at him...Do anyone even know the damage that its doing?The pain that its causing?

When his parents talk behind his back,he can hear it all.He can hear them calling him a bastard,a son of a bitch...No matter how hurt he feels,he cant voice anything.All the repressed feelings,kept deep in his heart.All he could use to vent,to release his stress and emotions,was his blade.He could use it however he liked-for once,he had control.

He would game excessively,just to escape the clutches of reality.He would be able to just stay in his own little world,even if its just for that little while.He could not feel all the pain,and boost his own ego.

Back the reality,he picked himself up and headed back to class.It was tiring for him to put up the pretense all the time,but what can he do?

That was when she stepped in.

He was alone,typing away on his phone.He was pouring all the neagtivity he had into poetic lines,sending it on whatsapp,in his class chat.Then there was this girl.Her name was Mouri Ran.Leaving me a simple text,she asked me what happened.

It took just 3 days for me to get close and attatched to her.I didnt even realise my feelings for her until I took her ruler one day.I realised I didnt want to let go.I wanted her to grab my hand and open it.I wanted her to hold my hand.

That night,I went home even more stressed out.What was wrong with me?I liked Shiho...Didnt I?

What was wrong with me?

To me,relationship was nothing more than a pain.I never ending,recurring pain that hurts you so much that even tears can never was away.It mirrored the wrath of the sky,the rain and the lightning.It seemed like the world stop moving.All I could think about was how she would gently hold my hand and pull it open.

What was wrong with me.


Guys,Im ending the story here.There are 2 reasons to it.Firstly,two of my friends knows that this is my account.As they know both the "Miyano Shiho"  and "Mouri Ran" in real life,I do not want to reveal anything more.Also,one of them also like one of the characters,and I do not want to let anyone know about my feelings.Its tiring to hide,its tiring to smile,its tiring to smile,but that is what everyone expects from me.Maybe if the coast is clear,I would publish another chapter.Until then,I apologize and as for the real life facts,Shiho,Ran and I are still friends.Ran doesnt know I like her,so its better for it to stay that way...


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