Chicken Catastrophe!

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"Mooom....why is a creepy looking chicken sitting and picking on the cheese popcorn!!" I hollered out loud for my mom to hear. Its unusual finding a chicken, sitting on your favourite couch picking on the popcorn you were craving for while one of his/her eyes is staring at you...that's just not right.

"Leah its not nice calling your cousin Stacy a chicken" she answered back from which I assume the it sound the same and!!!Get back to the subject!!

"I'm prettier than you" 18 year old super dumb cousin stated while tapping on her phone not giving me a single glare. Yes she is very attractive... Aaagh can't believe I said that but its true. She has amazing wavy blond hair compared to my hair which is tangled brown hair which I usually get lazy to wash. Stacy is very and I mean very dumb in reality but educationally she's very smart...even to me that makes no sense at all. She has a really good body shape and every clothe looks amazing on her and she's so clean...she eats properly and has table manners...don't blame me for eating like a is for eating not for looking if your daughter or niece has manners...that's just disrespectful to it!!!.

Then there's her twin brother Jason. The guy who usually get A's even though he studies nothing. The guy who probably has banged on every girl in this freaking universe. The guy who would sneak in your room at night and steal your smarties you keep under your bed. The guy whom everyone get along with very much. Jason is very different from Stacy even though they're twins. The only thing about them which is similar is that they're both really gorgeous. Jason is a messy teen exactly like me and hes the funniest guy to hang out with really.. mostly because he has really hot friends who have amazing jawlines and lips which look softer than pillows  and you  really just want to kiss them unti- LEAH KEEP IT TOGETHER WOMAAN!!!

"I don't mean her I mean a real chicken sitting next to her" do chickens sit??I mean like putting the butts down and just do whatever normal chickens do when they sit? Wait??are there normal chickens??-

"Ooh thats her pet for some reason" mom answers interrupting my thoughts while entering into the living room with a nutella jar and a bowl full of.. broccoli??

"She's soo cute" Stacy stopped looking at her phone referring to the white chicken and taking the bowl of broccoli mom made. YOU CHOOSE BROCCOLI OVER NUTELLA..WHAT ARE YOU A CAMEL..I even think camels prefer nutella than small tree shaped vegetables.

"Uum..she i-iis" My words were now breaking up. As if they ever dated XD.

"I know..guess what her name is" Stacy asked while stroking her pet chicken.

"Uh I don't know..chickeletta"

"You're so dumb..what kind of a name is that for a chicken" she gave me a confused and Duuh face to me. "Her name is dog" wtf!!!doog??

"Wait.. You" I tried holding back my laughter "You named a chicken dog?" Seriously even a chicken thinks its stupid.

"Yeah..isn't that right baby..mooo" Stacy said smiling at her dog-no chicken and made a moo sound..I did say she was stupid. I couldn't hold my laugh any more I burst out falling on the floor and rolling down not being able to breath well and tears started pricking out. I laughed so much my stomach was now nehinnind to hurt.

"Aah Leah...its not nice laughing at her chicken" mom said eyeing me while I tried to push the tears back.

"But seriously she named a chicken another different type of animal..that's just" I laughed again while Stacy was telling her chicken to not listen to me.

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