Intermission 1

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A huge stream of thoughts were going through the audience's minds, which created a long period of silence. Soon the silence was broken by a question. " Yuuri, When will I be able to meet your mother?", Greta asked while tugging on Yuuri's  jacket. Yuuri, out of his daze, looked down at his adoptive daughter and a small smile made its way onto his face. " Maybe, when this is all over, I can take you back to Earth to visit her." Greta's eyes began to gleam with excitement and a smile emerged onto her face. Then Lady Celli interrupted, " Take me with you, Your Majesty. I would love to meet your parents too. I wanted to discuss the wedding planning with them before anything can take action.". It was that last sentence that made Yuuri choke on the air he was breathing. Wolfram looked at his mother in agreement. " Of course. I am Yuuri's fiancée, I should be able to straight up say that it's an honor to be engaged to their son." Yuuri, trying not to blush said quickly, " You have to talk with them first, and then tell them we're engaged. I'm not sure that they want me to grow up too quickly on them." Conrad, trying hard not to, started to laugh at the sight of his godson getting flustered by his younger brother. It was then that another familiar voice commented at the king's remark. " With all you've seen and done, you probably won't be a little kid anymore" . This had came from Gwendal, who hadn't really spoken much since this had begun.  Yuuri's eyes then diverted to one of their "captors" per say. Alisa, he thought that was her name, sat at the corner of the room, to a book that looked like it was written in English. For any reason at all, she gave of the aura that reminded him of Gwendal. From what he would tell, she had let little emotion show on her face. But, he had a feeling that she had a soft side to her that most people probably won't see at first glance. Her companion, on the other hand, had a different personality all together. He was very bubbly like sparkling water. He was trying to strike up a conversation with Adelbert, which didn't seem like a good idea. He thought that this guy maybe liked by a whole lot of people, except for his "partner". It made Yuuri wonder why in the name of the great one had someone make 2 conflicting personalities together and get them to work together. For a minute, he thought about how this kind of reminded him of how him and Wolfram had started out. He was then grabbed by the shirt by his ' estranged fiancée'. " Why are you scoping them out, you wimp?". Of course this got the attention of Alisa, who just raised an eyebrow then put a bookmark in her book. " Well. I feel that we have rested enough, let's wrap this up already." As everyone returned to their appropriate seating, the show started again with Yuuri in grave peril. 

Hey Guys. College has been weighing me down a bit. Thank you so much for liking my stories and your full support. It's greatly appreciated. Until next time ~ Yuuri Tsuzuki

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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