Panic attacks and teachers

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{Trigger Warning: Panic Attack}

So earlier I had a panic attack. I've had them before but none as bad as this one. I almost started crying in class. My math class was just a bit too loud for me to handle and the teacher was yelling across the room and I could hear this kids music and it was terrible. I finally got up the courage to ask my maths teacher (a substitute) if I could go to the office. When I got there I asked to call my mom. At this point, I was already crying. So I called my mom and she said she was going to come pick me up. The guidance counselor came out after I hung up and started talking about how it would have been good if I would have stayed at school and worked through it. This upset me a lot. First off I was going through something very scary that no one should ever have to go through. Second, I don't know if she saw the fact that I was crying. Third, she's a guidance counselor she supposes to help us through those sorts of things not make us feel worse.
Yah I could have gone back to class but I had one period in between my math classes, 45 minutes of a slightly less chaotic room until I had to go back to the extremely loud math class. That class is the loudest class I have and if I would have stayed for the rest of the school day I probably would have ended up crying in class.
Having a panic attack is never a nice thing and if you know someone is going through that you should comfort them not make them feel worse.
I'm sorry that's all I have to say but I needed to get this off my chest. I'll go back to being happy :)
- Miss Dragon

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