1: HG

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I sigh as I sit next to Ron and Harry in the living room of the burrow, trying to comprehend the information that we were all just given. A marriage law has been set in place as the wizarding population in the UK is at a drastic low ever since the Second Wizarding War. It has been set, or rather demanded, that I am to marry none other than Professor Severus Snape. Harry is to marry Ginny, which is lucky for them as they officially started dating after the war officially ended. And Ron is to marry Pansy Parkinson, one of the people who tormented us our entire time at Hogwarts.

"This cannot be happening." I say quietly, praying to myself that this isn't actually happening and it's just one sick joke.

"I can't believe this." Ron says, sounding equally as distraught and upset as I am currently feeling. "Pansy bloody Parkinson, are you kidding me?" He says with a dry laugh.

"You think you have it bad, I have to marry Professor Snape." I say, inwardly wanting to cry as my life is going nowhere close to where I want it to be.

"Yikes." Harry says, sounding sympathetic but I can tell that he's glad that him and Ginny are going to get married, even if it is because of a new law.

"Well I'm going to off myself, do you guys need anything before I do so?" I ask, half joking as I feel like that is a valid option at this point, as I stand up from my seat on the couch.

"Oh shut it! I doubt it'll be that bad, it's not like he's old enough to be your dad or anything." Ron scoffs, his attempt to try and make me feel better just makes me feel one thousand times worse.

"Oh god! I hadn't even thought about that yet." I say with a groan, plopping back down onto the couch before I place my head into my hands. "What should I do?" I ask no one in particular.

"You could write him a letter?" Harry suggests weakly, not really thinking much of the suggestion, but that's when I get an idea.

"Harry! You're a genius!" I say with a giggle before I run to where all of my stuff in the burrow is kept, one if it's many guest bedrooms.

Once I get into my room I sit down and I being to write what I think is a pretty decent, no, pretty good letter to Snape, well I guess now that we're going to be forced in marriage I think it's okay for me to call him Severus, in hopes that he doesn't expect me to like what we have to do together. Ugh! I don't even want to think about that, disgusting.

Dear Professor Snape,

Before I officially start this letter, I assume that you know by now the entire Marriage Law fiasco, and how we're being forced, by the law, to get married. I was hoping that I wasn't alone in thinking that this is a mix of weird and awkward, seeing as you used to be my Professor during my time at Hogwarts. But, seeing as this is the law, we have to go through with it, and we might as well tolerate one another. So, I propose that we go out for dinner or something, not like a date or anything, just like a casual get-together so we can get to know each other better before we have to spend the rest of our lives together. I was also told that the Marriages are going to start taking place within four to five weeks, and I want to be well acquainted before then, or, well enough anyways. Now that we're 'fiancés' I think it would be fit for me to call you Severus, seeing as that is your first name, and you may call me Hermione, or Granger, whatever you prefer. But, if you don't wish for me to call you Severus, that is okay. Wow, I've gone on kind of a rant, sorry about that, anyways, please respond as soon as possible so we can set up some plans.

Your future wife,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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It Started With A Marriage Law; How Did It End Up Like This? (Snamione)Where stories live. Discover now