Count down Sixty Minutes.

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        It was a glorious night in the Kingdom of Kamressia. The stars were shining brighter than the moon itself, and the sky was clearer than crystal. The King of Kamressia’s son, Bellesolviak, was leaving for war to Jovess at morning’s first light two days from now.

        Emailien noticed the dangerously attractive, well-built man standing next to her older brother gazing admiringly her way. She felt her cheeks burn ever so slightly. 

 “Emailien,” Bellesolviak called to Emailien, attracting her attention from a distance away. ‘What could he possibly want?’ she whispered to herself hoping he would be polite and acquaint her with the dashing fellow at his side. She flashed him a vibrant smile and slowly, gracefully made her way over to them, making a slight attempt at seducing this unknown character standing with the prince brother. 

        “Who must this be?” Dimetre asked his close friend, Prince Bellesolviak, as the stunning Emailien glided like a graceful angel, beautifully, flawlessly their way. He chuckled before he replied.

        “That is my younger sister, Emailien. I wouldn’t go anywhere near her if I were you,” he said with a serious tone, “She’s feisty.” Dimetre laughed lightly. He didn’t think an angel like her could turn into a devil.

        “Is that forbiddance against me having a little private chat with her in the rose garden?” He replied suggestively. 

“Of course not, my dear friend, just don’t get caught. That,” he paused for empathises, “is forbiddance.” 

        When Emailien reached her brother, she flashed Dimetre another bright smile before she greeting her brother with a straight forward, “Yes, brother?” Bellesolviak rolled his eyes before speaking.

         “This is Dimetre. I thought you would like to meet him before the end of the night. He noticed you walk in and asked me to introduce you two.” Prince Bellesolviak said, gesturing Dimetre to introduce himself formally.

         “Good evening, I am the Prince Dimetre of Jovess. I am a friend of your brothers’” He introduced.

         “Good evening to you too. I am Emailien, Bellesolviak’s younger sister.” She greeted.

         “Would you like to dance?” He asked confidently, bending forward toward Emailien, extending his palm for her acceptance. She took his palm and Dimetre rose, locking eyes with her. Breathless, Emailien struggled to keep calm and breathe regularly. Don’t get too excited. All of her thoughts drifted when she looked deeper into his dark emerald eyes. It shocked her how deep green eyes could shine brighter than the moon could tonight. 

        Bellesolviak coughed rudely. “I’m sorry, have you forgotten the fact that I am still present?” Emailien smiled with mischief at her older brother before Dimetre guided her though the French glass doors that lead to the exquisite ballroom floor. 

        The champagne floor shined with a rainbow glint from the diamond chandelier up above. She was dancing in rhythm with him, feeling the tall frame of his body and his soft brown hair on the back of his neck. She took a whiff of his cologne. Husky, she thought. It had a strong spice, hinted with a bit of mint. Original, she thought. She began to hum quietly o the soft, slow music, closing her eyes drowning out everything until she heard him join the chorus. Her focus snapped completely when she felt his breath tickling her neck. He then whispered delicately in her ear, “You’re exotic.”

He spun her around, seeing her flushed face. They leaned in, their lips almost touching until she felt a shadow come up behind her. She spun around abruptly. It was a handsome blonde man, about Dimetre’s ago, with bright blue eyes. They were similar to Emailien’s eyes. Ice-cold but his had a more green sheen to it. They were still a bright blue, however, something about them warned that he was dangerous. A man’s eyes are the door to his soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2012 ⏰

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