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Now that I think back on it life is just one big crappy game, with the players being nothing more then a bunch of scum, even me. We are all dealt our cards without having a say on how they'll effect us, yet how we play them is of our own free will and power.

Yeah right.

In this game of life there are penalties for every move and choice we make. Winning too much and losing too much is not an option. You can't pass your turn or you'll be criticized and looked down on, and if you talk too much you'll be avoided and hated.


So tell me, in this game of life, what cards were you dealt? What moves did you make? And if this is really just a game, couldn't we all just restart it?

But the sad reality is that there never really was an option to restart this game I'm trapped like a fool. A puppet on strings, dancing around for everyone's amusement and once the show ends and my curtain falls it really will be game over...


Ok so I've started writing chapter one of the book so I'll post it very soon! 

I hope that you liked the prologue so far, cause I know that I had a fun time writing it!! :)

I'll be posting soon,


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