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Lily sat at the dining table in Polly's house. The two women were waiting for Ada to turn up so they could go. Where? Lily couldn't remember properly. Her head had been swimming in Ophelia. She had been to the local library and found nothing about her, her next stop, when she had time, was to visit the orphanage that Polly adopted her from and ask around.

She stood as Polly entered the room to let Ada in. The woman had recently cut her hair shorter than most, and stood proud in smart clothes as she let the younger Shelby in. Ada wore a sea-green coat with a fur collar. "Come on, girls. Tommy's expecting us."

"Who's with us?" Polly asked. Ada wanted to roll her eyes at the woman.

"Isaiah and two Lee boys." Shit. Lily wanted the earth to open and swallow her whole. She could face the oncoming threat of the mafia by herself, or the woman coated in sea salt and gold jewellery. But Isaiah Jesus? God forbid. There was too much staleness around them. It lift little breathing room for anybody around them whenever they were in the same room. Fuck. She had really fallen in love with that bastard.

Polly stared at her for a moment. "Ada, how long since you've had a fuck?"

Lily coughed into her hand as Ada raised her eyebrows with a shocked expression.

"Been nearly two years with me. Over Christmas, I counted it up." She looked at Lily for a split second before turning back to Ada. "So, I've made a New Year's resolution to change the situation."

The three headed out to the car. "Oh. Any one in particular in mind?" Ada asked, Polly smiled at her as she opened the front door of the car.

"Not really." Polly looked at them for a second. "Just me and someone unsuitable."

Lily and Ada climbed into the back, with Isaiah and one of the Lee boys. It was a squish, and Lily ended up next Isaiah for the journey. She held her tongue and looked out the window for the ride. It felt bittersweet, his warmth unwillingly heating her insides while she burned into a raw nothingness with rage.

They arrived, and the three women bumped into Lizzie heading the same way as them. The four walked together. They walked along the brick houses in suit of their destination as Ada and Polly talked. "So, this is just to make things official."

"Your official return to the company payroll." Ada said, "So no more talk of New Year's resolutions or Tommy might change his mind."

Lizzie looked at her in an amused way. "What New Year's resolutions?"

Lily looked back at her. "Don't worry about it."

"I think Ada's trying to tell me to behave myself." Polly's tone was light, for now.

Ada rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Behave yourself."

"Behave myself or what? Behave myself or fucking what?" Polly had stopped and looked at Ada. She sighed at her.

"Okay, Polly, I'll tell you the truth. After your recent troubles, Tommy's asked me to keep an eye on you." Ada stood her ground, she was always good at that, but her time in America had helped her with maintaining it.

" 'Troubles'? Whilst working for this company, I have killed a man, I have lost a man, I have found a son, I have nearly lost a son, I have nearly lost my own life." Polly's tone had turned cold and harsh as she spewed the truth to the younger woman. "Now, I will accept my job back. If the terms are favourable. But I will not behave myself."

Lily stood at the back of the room and distinctly picked up that Polly had not mentioned her at all. What was she to feel about it? Envy? Understandment? Anger? Loss? She couldn't keep track of what she felt anymore and left them to wallow at the put of her ruined inner ecosystem. She watched with a seething quiet and unnamable emotion as they officiated Polly back onto the payroll.

Even Michael was sat at the table as Tommy spoke to them all about Changretta and the development of the business. She chewed her lip as he spoke, vaguely watching Michael the entire time. He looked up at her staring absently more than once, but didn't bring it up until after the meeting had ended. The women had all left one by one, not waiting for anybody. Tommy stood over the table, and sighed. He caught sight of Lily. "Tell Polly to not feel threatened by the woman that raised him," He spoke of Michael like he wasn't there.

"She's his mother, not the woman who raised him." Tommy reached for his briefcase and left the hospital room.

Lily scoffed as he left, and sat at the table. She picked up the red apple, feeling the smooth skin under her fingers. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Lily tried to chuckle, but it cane out as more of a desperate hiss for attention, or love. "You don't look too good either."

"Yeah, been having trouble sleeping." She dropped the apple and stood up. "Feel better soon, eh?" He grunted after her, as she left for the car.

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