Hats off to Strippers Gentlemen

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Longpenisbottom was quite upset about losing her fortune, she clung to her cat coat and huddled with bumbs in the cold night. Until the warm light brought her in, neon, neon light, a sign, a neon stripper sign that read: "Finest ladys in all of Belgium" She entered to see women in their lowest dress ball room dancing with one another. This was lame, she proceded to change the song to a trap remix of Peppa pigs theme-song, rip off her clothes and start rotating rapidly around a pole. She had stripped. This brought in plenty of customers, so many in fact, one could barely escape touching another person rubbing their dinky doodle. This took a tole on her, she stripped so hard she stripped some of her skin off. The men loved her, she over threw the disapproving owner and threw him off the third floor sex dungeon, killing him with a sex toy. She was now a gangster    

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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