Love can Soothe and Lead.

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I stormed at the boy's room. I know I shouldn't be here since it's the room he stores the kurta clan's eyes, but I couldn't help it.

"Get out."

"No! I need to talk to you!"

"We don't have anything to discuss."

"But I do!"

He looked at me, a serious expression, and sighed.
"What do you want?"

"You won't like it bu--"

"Then get out."

"Let me finish!"

He standed without looking at me. I think he noticed I wouldn't get out in anyways.
"At least let's discuss it in another place, but be quickly, I don't have much time to spare."


That was sure a lie. That wouldn't be quickly. But what can I do?
He lead to another room that was empty, got on a chair and waited for me to get confortable. Kurapika wouldn't allow this if I was someone else, he reserved at least a little of his caring for a very few ones, and I understand why, I really do. I know that he was always a hot headed person, that is his nature after all. So with this in mind, I can imagine how hard it was for him to find out that all the people he cared were murdered, he was totally alone back then. But the bad thing is: he still isolates himself! although he has his friends now! and I don't like this.

"Then? what do you want?"
He started.

"Kurapika, stop with this." He looked at me questioningly, he didn't know what I meant. "Stop ignoring your friends, please."

His expression hardened a little.
"My behaviour is none of your concern. If is just it, the--"

"No!" I standed and got my two hands on his shoulders, avoiding him to escape from this discussion. "Please, listen to what I have to say." I said in almost a whisper.

"I have important things to think about."

"This is important too, and I am certain that you know this." In a sudden movement I embraced him, leaving my head on his shoulder. This made him a little shocked, he seemed unconfortable and I understood why, Kurapika actually wanted to hug back but couldn't let it happen.

"Kurapika, I know that you find this to be a weakness, and inside, you almost can't help this. That's obvious when I see how you act around Leorio and Gon especially, and Senritsu too... You've been doing all this to your vengeance, but you actually don't like this, right? I mean, you want to complete it but this road until it sucks, right?"

He was silent, then I continued.
"Did you ever think what you gonna do after all this? what will happen when you get all your clan's eyes and finally defeat the Phantom Troupe?"

"I don't think it matters now."

"Of course it does!" I looked at him, letting my hands on his shoulders though. He seemed to be trying to keep his cool. "I know that you gonna end with your two missions being finished, but when you do, all that's waiting for you is emptiness because.. you've been filling your heart with hatred." I wore a worried look on my face, pausing. "... Leorio called me saying that you ignored his calls, which worried me."

He sighed, although for me it was clearly that he was surprised I was making such a big deal of what he was doing, but without prevent him of doing so.

"I was actually making a funeral for my people... that's why I didn't answer."

I got a little embarrassed for my mistake, but then if my mistake lead me to help him, I don't care much.
"I-I see... b-but I can't leave you like this, knowing the situation of your mind in general! You are pretty stubborn, you know?" I nervously chuckled and hugged him again. "Also, don't need to push yourself now, you can hug me back."

He hesitated a little, but it seems the mood lightened a bit with my clearly embarrassed state, giving just some seconds for him to embrace me, letting his head rest on my shoulder, he appeared to have calmed down after all.

"Damn, why do you have to do this with me?" He questioned, with his tone, I could say he was smiling a little, which made me smile as well.

"'cause I'm here for you~ also, wanted to let you know that I'll be here when you finish with everything. Not only me but the others too, of course. And well... I apologize for my ignorance about your behaviour with Leorio, hehe." I smiled sheepishly.

"I actually... would like to have something special with you." That confused me, and brought me back to serious mode. What would he mean by 'special' ? "There are many things that I have been holding myself back from, but there is one in special that I totally wanted to keep distance from. I don't know if I should be telling you, but maybe this way you wouldn't be as worried." He stopped and then whispered pretty lowly, it seemed to be more to himself than me. "...although I wouldn't like to disappoint you if I don't make to it..."

"What is it?" I ignored his last sentence, being anxious to know what it was.

He broke our embrace, looking serious at the ground, and holding my two hands.

"[Name], I... want to court you after all this." That shocked me, he means that he...? "And of course, you are free on your answer, and obviously you don't need to answer now... but you have to be safe, so if something happened to you... you get that, don't you? also, I don't imagine that a woman would enjoy to wait, so..."

He moved his head to look at me but the moment he saw my face, his eyes widened.

"Kurapika..." I had an expression of pure bliss, being in total happiness, I could even feel some tears at the bottom of my eyes. Was he really thinking this much about me? he smiled after some seconds.

"Thank you, [Name], you've been always here to me and I wasn't noticing it correctly. And you could understand my feelings. I don't really mind your ignorance about what previously happened, since I know you pretty well. I was very confused but I think you made me understand now."
He standed and embraced me in his arms, a firm and confortable hug, full of caring, the same that he was storing at the bottom of his heart, never wanting to let it out. But I know that he's better now. And I wouldn't risk myself, at least, not anymore, or not as much as before, just for him. Does he care more about his life now than before because of the promissed future? for sure, right? The thing is: at that moment no words needed to be said inside that embrace, I only needed to stay there and feel him. And about him, he only needed a little push all along, I should for sure thank Leorio for the complant about Kurapika's action.
His heart, which was around hatred and coldness now was warm with love and caring, and that was, the only thing he needed now.

Love Can Soothe and Lead (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now