Where I Belong

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Heya guys! This one is for @janeeferjennar. I'm really on fire today with Jlaire flicks! Writing about the best couple in the universe really makes a girl happy! This one is taking place as Claire makes that giant portal at the end of Season 2. 


Jim's POV

  I watched in horror as Claire's eyes turned inky, and black cracks spiderwebbed across her face and wrists. The blue strip in her hair grew ghostly white. She began to cough, and her entire frame rattled with effort. 

  "It's killing her!" I screamed, but the rush of wind drowned out my words. 

  My eyes focused on her slender fingers, wrapped around the staff and trembling. I saw the power pulsing from her fingers. Even though it was black and corrupt, it was occasionally flecked with purple, evidence of Claire's selflessness and beautiful soul. 

  An idea flashed into my mind. The power of her soul was still inside of her and grating against the corrupt power of the staff. I could help her.

I stood quickly, squinting against the light. "Claire!"

Her head turned ever so slightly, acknowledging me. But I knew that the real Claire was behind those black eyes, and she could hear me. I charged up the steps.

"You're not doing this alone," I said softly. I was filled with never-ending love for her. I looked at her carefully and caught a glimpse of her, my beautiful Claire, and I had never loved anyone so much until that moment.

I grabbed hold of the staff with a yell. Blue light shot through the top of the staff and exploded through the dark cavern. My muscles began to throb, but I held fast.

"Third wheel, coming in!" Toby's pudgy fingers closed around the staff near mine.

"Right here," Aaarrrgghh chimed in, taking up nearly half of the staff with his colossal hand.

  "Master Jim was correct!" I hear Blinky yell. His stony fist was clasped next to Claire's. "We are stronger together!" 

  "Count me in, sis!" Not-Enrique jumped on top of the staff. 

    A giant ball of purple and black light exploded from our hands and raced towards the top of the cavern. 

  "HOLY SHEESHKABABS!" Not-Enrique screamed. 

  The cloud of light engulfed us all and carried us out of the cavern. 

  I couldn't feel anything for a moment as we landed on the grass in the darkness. For a second, all was silent. Then, the triumphant roars of the escaped trolls shook the forest. 

  Blinky helped me up, and for a moment, I was elated. Then I remembered. 

  "Claire!" I gasped. Aaarrghh was cradling her in his arms.  

  "CLAIRE!" I screamed again, and ran over to them. She was lifeless in his arms. 

   Suddenly she coughed, thumping her chest with her fist. Her eyes opened and took us all in. 

  "Did we die?' she asked breathlessly. 

  "Almost," Aaarrghh grunted. 

  "But a life of almosts is a life of never!" Toby hooted. "We made it!"

  I helped her up, and just clasped her delicate fingers in my hands. She was so beautiful. I was wordless, just happy she was alive. She smiled at me. 

  Claire's POV: This is after the trolls are safe, and a little while before Jim goes home and finds Strickler. This wasn't in the episode-I just made it up:

  Jim and I trudged home, exhausted after the events of the past hour. Toby and the others were gone, it was just us. 

  I turned to him, suddenly breathless. He had shed his armor. He was just Jim. He was so beautiful, just walking there next to me. I was overcome with emotion, still not believing that he was mine. Mine. I loved him so much right there. I had never loved anyone like I loved him. 

  "Jim!" I said suddenly, and he turned to me, eyes urgent, ready to meet my every need. I fell into his arms, surprising him. But his hands held me perfectly. I realized in that moment that this was where I belonged. I had belonged here all my life, I just hadn't known. 

  Ed Sheeran's song Hearts Don't Break Around Here suddenly found its way into my heart. It summed up everything I felt right now. I raised my face to him. I didn't need any words to convey what I felt. I just stood staring at his face, falling deep into his eyes. He didn't need words either. He just bent his face to mine and enveloped my lips with his own. 

Jim's POV

  I loved her so much. I would never leave her. She was mine, I was hers. We belonged to each other. As we kissed there in the night, I knew that I belonged. She held me so close, and I loved her more than words could tell. When we pulled away, our noses touched, and she giggled. 

  "I love you, James Lake Jr." 

  "And I love you, Claire Nunez." 


Okay, so I think this is my favorite one yet. I had to go on Twitter and rewatch the clip to make sure I got the dialogue right. But anyway, if you haven't heard Hearts Don't Break Around Here by Ed Sheeran, go listen to it! JimXClaire for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You and Me (A Series of Jlaire One-Shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang