Going for a walk!

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It was a very rainy miserable morning at 9:00am and Mrs Lloyd was going to Costem Lake with her dog Buddy. They were walking peacefully in the soaking wet rain walking past a river , Mrs Lloyd turned away for one second and turned back around and saw buddy running into the bushes. Mrs Lloyd went to see where Buddy went and found poor Buddy drowning in the river, Mrs Lloyd leaned in on the river and tried to reach Buddy but Mrs Lloyd fell face first in the river and starting to drown so she pulled Buddy out of the water and she tried to grip onto the wall but Buddy thought that she wanted Buddy to go back in the water and kept on scratching Mrs Lloyd's hand and trying to push Mrs Lloyd back into the river. Finally she was able to get back out and she went face first again on the grass, well that wasn't good. Then she had to walk another 2 miles to get back to the car all soaking wet with her car keys wet, her phone having to go for repair (YOUCH) and her in the freezing cold rain. They finally arrived home and Mrs Lloyd had a very nice warm bath, then got changed into her pjamas with a delicious drink that was only after having to wash Buddy in the bath. Well I have got to say that Buddy is hard work.
The next following Friday, Mrs Lloyd took Buddy for a walk in the park and Buddy ran in the middle of the road and Mrs Lloyd went after Buddy and Buddy nearly got run over and Mrs Lloyd fell bang on her knee, she had to rush to hostipal, poor Mrs Lloyd. Mrs Lloyd came back from hostipal back to school and she had bad pain in her knee. Well at least she is better now after the terrible situation.
1 month later Mrs Lloyd's daughter called Maddie had exams and Mrs Lloyd told Maddie not to leave her exam work in the kitchen, so Maddie by accident left her exam work in the kitchen and Buddy took the exam paper work in the garden and ruined and ripped the exam papers and Maddie had to go to the exam teacher and say "Sorry miss, my dog ate my homework" and her exam teacher said "OMG, what are you going to do?" So Maddie has to redo all her exam papers. WOW, she must of took a while to rewrite ALL her paper exams again.
So after all that drama, Maddie passed ALL her exams and as a lot to look forward in her future. Maddie's younger brother passed all his tests in year 11, Mrs Lloyd found out the good news when she was teaching us in a maths lesson, Mrs Lloyd was OVER the moon she even went to tell the other teachers the good news.
That's the story all about Mrs Lloyd and Family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2018 ⏰

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