brilliant // 3

737 15 6

brilliant (adj.) exceptionally clever or talented

"Y/N?" Mom asked.

"Yes Mother?"

"You will be alone with the cast for the rest of today. I have business to attend to." 


With the rest of the cast

I nodded, looking out the window. I noticed how often we are in a car.

 The sun shines through the clouds, as if something good will happen today. Who knows.

People walk through the city smiling and some holding another's hand. Everyone seems to be happy when the weather shows happiness.

We arrive at the building. My hands shake as if a tambourine in in them.

I hide my hands in my sleeves of my sweatshirt. The cotton brushing against my wrists.

"Ms. L/n follow me" some man says.

Mom turns to me and gives me my bag. She leaves happy.

We arrive at a trailer,

' Y/n L/n '

"This is your trailer" he says smiling at me.

I nod and walk in.

" Hi!" I jump and turn to the voice.


"I'm Justice and this is Justin." she explains 



"Let's get you prettied up." Justin says, smiling.


I looked into the mirror.

" pretty" i whispered to myself, smiling.

A knock is on the door.

I go and open the door.

My sneakers squeak  with every step.

" Y/n it's time. Let's go film." Someone says.

I walk outside and to the set.

The wind blows my hair back, making me feel like model.

The set is made an office, with a mahogany colored leather chair, a table set in the middle and a wooden stool set on the other side.

" This is it, Y/n. So you are sitting there," Andy points to the stool, "and Bill is sitting there."

I nod and head to the seat.

Andy goes to the directors seat.

"Quiet on set!" He yells, "and Action!"


The door behind me creaks open and the same man from the alleyway, Bill, he said his name is, takes a seat in the mahogany leather chair.

He folds his hands and rests his elbows on the mess of a desk, staring me down with sly, snakelike eyes.

"What did you mean when you said that you know what i can do?" I ask, breaking the silence. My hands rest awkwardly in my lap against my loose fitting pants. 

Bill picks up the cigarette from the ash tray and sets it in his mouth and begins to talk around it, "I know that you steal the morning bread from the bakery every morning at seven twelve am. I know that you can scale a six story fire escape from the bottom up in twenty six seconds. I know that you get one dollar every week on Wednesdays from the same woman because," he removes the cigarette from his mouth and chuckles, tapping the cigarette in the ash tray," she feels bad for you."

I pick at my nails and frown. He leans forward, a smirk on his face as he stares at me. "And I know you killed that homeless boy."

My eyes widen and my head shots up and I stand to my feet, placing my hands on the desk now too.

"How the hell did you find out about that?" I demand, my elbows bending.

Bill simply smiles, blowing smoke from his lips. He smashes the cigarette into the ash tray with a pointer finger.

"Y/n you are something we need."


He smirks and kicks his feet up on the desk. "My team."

I raise my eyebrow.

"You are going to help us pull off the best heist this town's ever seen."

"Heist?" I manage. The word sounds more like a squeak.

Bill nods, obviously very content with himself. He sticks his hand out towards me.

"Bill Skarsgard. Welcome to the warehouse, Y/n."

I look at his hand.

I take it, and we shake. He leans back in his chair and looks me over, then clicks his tongue.

"Our first girl and she looks like she was fished out of the river fresh last night. That won't do for my boys."

"You need me then you'll deal with it, And it's five am, I don't know what else you expected."

Bill laughs and pulls a card from the top drawer of his desk. He punches a number into the phone and calls someone, his hand nearly swallowing the phone. 

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my loose t-shirt. He hangs the phone.

"She'll be here in thirty minutes."

"How did you get her to come so early?"

Bill Skarsgard smirks again, touching his mouth. "I have certain effect on women."


"Cut!" Andy yells, "That was brilliant!"

I smile with tears in my eyes, stand up and hug Bill, arms wrapping around his neck, his around my back. 

Tears fall onto Bill's shirt like rain.

"Don't cry." Bill smiles, once we depart from the hug.

I smile and wipe my eyes.

Maybe this won't be so bad

"Y/n, Bill come on we have to get you ready for the next scene."


The Italic is from "Heist" not exactly the same. I cut out parts that I felt didn't fit for filming a movie.

Sorry, I haven't updated but I surely be uploading more often.

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