Chapter One

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"OOOuch!!! what the hell????" i yell

"Sorry sis, mom told me to wake you.."

"Well fuc-.."

She raises an eyebrow

"Forget it.." i mumble

"Thought so"

she jumps out of my bed, and i do to

I take my phone out of my charger, another day of boring days, on the bright side, its summer break, 2 months.. and there's a huge celebration party tonight at 08:00 pm, which im going to.

i scroll through my phone, and nothing, but im used to that

i put my hair in a ponytail, and put my iphone into my music angel and start playing some music

i jump in the shower

when im done, i dry my hair, and straighten it, i apply some dark makeup, relax not all black but dark light brown, and some eyeliner,mascara and lipgloss.

i put on some skinny jeans and a tank top where it stands: Bad girls have more fun

i spray on some perfume, and grab my phone, as i walk down the stairs i trip and fall on my ass, great.

"fuck.." i muble

"Launguage" i hear my mom say

I walk into the kitchen, where she and my little sister is, my father isn't home as much, he works so much, he's never home.

"Im fine, thanks for asking.." i say smiling

"No problem" my mom says, i just give her a glare

"Uhm soo Alexis?.."

"Yup?" i say grabbing cereal and milk, and mixing them

"So i know, i told you that you could go to the huuge party tonight.."

"Yes you did" i repeat

i started to eat, letting her continue

"Well you have to take your sister to magcon, thank you, love you, bye" she says quickly, kissing my forhead and running outside and into her car, trying to start it

i run to her car

"Your kidding me right?" i yell


"Moom!! i have to go to this party, you don't understand!!"

"Your sister can't go alone, your taking her, end of story, i owe you, big time, promise, bye sweetie" she says driing out and waving

'You' i mouthed to Amanda with an angry expression, she quickly understood what was going on and ran into the house hiding

i ran after her

"You can run but you can't hide, and now that mom isn't here, i don't have to be nice to you.." i yell

i could hear her breathing

"You ruined for me today, i had to go and you knew that"

"Okay, before you hurt me let me tell you something" amanda says coming ou from a corner

" 1 minute"

"Your gonna meet the guys! not only that! after that, we get to spend 20 minutes with all the guys, only you and me!!!! and take pictures!"

"I don't care, i don't even like them" i say crossing my arms, and rolling my eyes

"You will!"

"One minutes over" i said with an evil smile, running towards her, i caught her

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