If You're Reading This...

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To the Poor Unfortunate Soul Who Finds This,

If you are reading this, let's get one thing out of the way: I apologize. For what, you may ask? Answer: look around. All of this destruction and death is pretty much my fault.

However, if you somehow aren't in a post-apocalyptic word and still have Hot Pockets, then that either means that my crew and I have successfully fixed my mistake, or that this letter has been prematurely opened. Since the latter is most likely to happen (because the crew is a mess), then maybe you can try to right my wrongs. Or run away as fast as you can to Mars or Luna. The plague hit those places last, and I hear that the biomes on the moon are incredibly realistic.

But if I am unfortunately right and Earth has turned into a disaster zone, then you're probably looking for answers. And, trust me, you'll get those answers. But before we (okay, you since I'm most likely deceased) get started on How I Ruined Humanity 101, there are a list of rules:

1.) Get out of this place if you haven't already. This area was one of the first to be hit and might still contain the original, untouched, and most deadly strain of the plague.

Please don't pull a me and think that you have all the answers when, in reality, you haven't even finished the question.

3.) Guard this with your life. Don't give this paper (or anything in here) to any official, patriot, friend/family of official, any honest people, or anyone with a good set of morals.

4.) And if you haven't yet had the pleasure of looking death in the face (lucky you) be prepared to take a trip to give that bastard a personal visit. And bring someone along that you trust. Also, good luck and don't die.

5.) Last one. As soon as you're finished with this information, don't tell anyone unless absolutely necessary. Instead, put all the things leading up to this in their rightful place, including this packet. DO NOT TELL A SOUL

6.) Use common sense.

Now I think you're ready. But it's not too late to turn back. If you want to continue leading your lives then put this back and forget about it. (There is an amnesia pill attached to this paper.)

If you want to know the truth about how this all started, and maybe have a chance to correct it, then sit down and prepare to hate me more than you've ever hated someone before. And buckle up, because this is going to be a ride if there ever was one.

A ride for Survivors

~Lunar Armstrong

Edit: grammar

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