Chapter 2: America's Party Part I

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Chapter 2! :)


Iceland's P.O.V.

I sighed as the meeting dragged on. I wasn't able to slip away today. When I tried to, Sweden called me out.

"Iceland? Where are you going?," He said. I looked back at him and said, "U-Uh, just going to check on Mr.Puffin..."

"He'll be fine. Sit." I did cause quiet frankly, I didn't want to get Swed mad. He may look calm and reserved, but it's bloodshed if he's mad.

I snuck a look behind me to where Greenland was sitting. She had been coming to almost all of the Nordic meetings. She might as well become a Nordic! When I looked behind, she looked back and gave me a smirk. She always does that when I gets caught. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the rest of the Nordics. They had already changed topics, therefore I zoned out and soon fell asleep.

About an hour later, I awoke to Greenland standing in front of me lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Wha? Is the meeting over?" I said, still drowsy from my afternoon nap.

"The meeting was over half an hour ago, silly. You've been asleep for an hour or so." She smiled at me like I was some kid who couldn't put his shoes on the right foot or something. I, personally, found that smile adorable.

I sat up and yawned. "I guess I was tired today. Thanks for waking me up. Where's Mr.Puffin?"

"He said something about not waiting on your lazy ass to take him home then he flew out the door. Headed home I guess." She shrugged. I nodded.

"That just means a peaceful walk home for me." I stood up and walked to the door. She followed me. "Greenland? Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you, I'm going home. Which is the same direction as Iceland, is it not?"

I stood there for a moment, thinking it over. Yeah, Greenland is close to Iceland. I guess I never noticed. Then again, she wasn't someone you'd notice. I remember Norway, Finland and Denmark talking about a girl before, but I never knew it was her, I always thought they were talking about Belarus or Ukraine or Hungary. Not Greenland, the country that stole my name! I stood there another few seconds before hearing her say, "Iceland buddy, are you ok? Aren't you going to open the door?"

I came back into reality. "Huh? oh, yeah. Sorry." I opened the door for her then walked out after saying bye to the rest of the Nordics. We started walking to the airport.

Third Person's P.O.V. (Narrator)

As they walked Ice kept sneaking looks at Green. Her face was pure enjoyment of the spring time here in Copenhagen, Denmark. All there was in Greenland was ice, of course she'd love spring. She never got to see butterflies and the grass or feel the warm temperatures. Heck, the one time Iceland had went to Greenland, he hardly saw any animals, much less green land.

It was truely confusing at times, if you think about it too much. Which is what he was doing. As he drifted into his own world, he heard her say something. "Come again?" He questioned.

"I said, What are you going to wear to America's party?" She smirked at his ADDness. America's party? He didn't hear about a party... then again, he was asleep for the other half of the meeting.

"I didn't hear about America's party."

"Oh. Really? Well, America flew out here, came to Denmark's house, came in during the last half of the meeting shouting: 'Hey dudes! I'm having a party, tonight! At 10:00 PM. Be there!' And then ran out of the house, onto his private jet, and back to the U.S." She said, finishing with no breath left.

"Oh. I don't know what I'll wear. I might not even go." He said as he admired the culture in Copenhagen. Him and Green had met Copenhagen before, he was nice. The complete opposite of Denmark.

"Come on Icey! You have to go! Hong Kong will be there, so we won't be the only sane ones there." She said with a grin. Hong Kong, Greenland, and Iceland had become good friends in the past few months, considering that they were one of the few sane countries, along with Austria, Japan, and Wales.

"Oh. Then I guess I'll go. As long as you two promise to not ditch me, again." At America's last party, Hong and Green saught it funny to hide from Iceland. But that was a bad idea. Iceland was almost attacked by a drunken France and Prussia, and Hungary tried to get it on camera. But Hong and Green were around the corner, watching the whole scene, laughing their asses off. To be honest, Spain thought the two had gone insane, that's how hard they were laughing.

Greenland grinned at the memory. "It was funny to me and Kong, don't know about you though..." He rolled his eyes.

"Not a fun experience. That's for sure."

"Well, now we know to stay in a group or else you will be attacked by the BTT." They both laughed at the group. Bad Touch Trio. France, Prussia, and Spain, Spain being the most sane one. Reminder to the three of them, at the next world meeting, don't put Hong next to Prussia, Ice next to France, and Green next to Spain. There will be three injuries being delivered.

When the got the the airport, they said bye and went to their seperate jets, and flew home, having a few hours to get ready for America's stupid party.


Chapter 2! It took me a while to write this, but its done! And Its a long chapter too! Most of it is Iceland talking to/about Greenland tho.

Denmark: 'Looks like Icey's got a crush!!!! Icey and Green, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-' *Iceland comes out of no where and begins to choke him*

Ok, well, gotta go before we lose a Nordic, BYE!

~Leigha (Greenland)

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