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The next day at school Adrien didn't say anything to Marinette. He knew how much Marinette didn't want anyone to know. He decided to ask Alya after school if Marinette liked him back, because he realized how much he liked Marinette.

"Hey Alya!"

"Oh, hey Adrien, whats up?" Alya said.

"Oh, I was just wondering something about Marinette."

"Oh, what do you want?"

"I was wondering if Marinette liked me?"

"Why would you wonder that?"

"Well, I recently heard something and was just wondering if it was true." Adrien said.

"Well, you'll have to ask Marinette. She went home already."

"Ok, fine, thanks anyway Alya!"

Adrien went on to ask Marinette himself. He decided to go as Chat Noir just in case. He went into an alleyway to transform.

"Plagg, Claws Out!!"

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir. He headed to Marinette's house. He saw that she was on her balcony doing doing some homework. Chat headed down to her.

"Hey Marinette!" Chat said.

"Oh, hey Chat, hows it going?"

"Oh, I'm fine, I just have a question for you."

"Oh, okay, ask away," Marinette said.

"Okay, I was wondering if you liked Adrien Agreste?" Chat said.

"What!? Why would you ask that?" Marinette asked nervously.

"Um, well I just heard something from someone that you like m-Adrien."

"Well, yes, I do kind of have a crush on him," Marinette replied. 

"Really?! Yay!" Chat said excitedly.

"Why are you so happy?" Marinette wondered.

"Oh, uh, I'm just glad what I heard about my princess it true," Chat said when he actually meant that he loved Marinette.

"Oh, okay, I'm glad your happy," Marinette said.

"Okay, see you later M'l-Marinette!"

"Bye Chat!" Marinette responded.

Chat was so excited that his lady liked him back.

Why has this taken me so long to find out? I'm so happy! Adrien thought to himself.

 He always kind of had a crush on Marinette, but his love for Ladybug was in the way, but now that he knew they were the same person, he was so happy.

He jumped into an alleyway to detransform.

"Plagg, Claws In."

"Ugg, I'm glad I'm out, do you have any chee-LOOKOUT ADRIEN!!" Plagg yelled.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know this one was short like the first chapter, but I will come out with chapter 3 very soon. I kind of feel bad for making this chapter short and leaving it on a cliff hanger like this. Chapter 3 will be out soon!


Why Has This Taken Me So Long To Find Out? {UNFINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now