The hospital for truth.

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Anabella, A 14-year-old who is usually in trouble for something, so much trouble, in fact, that her family had to move.

She has a mental disorder called ADHD, but it does not cause her trouble-making.

"What'd ya' say?" Anabella asked, actually forgetting what her Mother had said.

"I said I've had enough of your trouble-making, Anabella!"

Her Mother told her, obviously angry.

"This Is the first time I've had to move, and honestly, I don't like it!"

Her Mother said, "Maybe, it's your disorder."

"Maybe, that's why you're doing all those horrid things, and I said horrid because I can't deal with your bad behavior all the time, honey; I love you very much, but you have been causing so much trouble! Unless you want to keep moving and moving ...

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"Maybe, that's why you're doing all those horrid things, and I said horrid because I can't deal with your bad behavior all the time, honey; I love you very much, but you have been causing so much trouble! Unless you want to keep moving and moving around the world, I suggest you do good things, you understand?!" Her Mother said, upset.

As if it needs to be more obvious.

As she's Driving, Anabella is in the back seat, her arms crossed on the edge of her boobs.

As she's Driving, Anabella is in the back seat, her arms crossed on the edge of her boobs

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She's angry, too.

When they got home, her mother, Cheryl, exited the car and went inside

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When they got home, her mother, Cheryl, exited the car and went inside.

Anabella stays behind In the car, and she leaves for the house after a few minutes.

Anabella ©Where stories live. Discover now