Chapter 10 "So where are we going"

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Time Skip
It's Friday now and I haven't seen any of the guys much after we went to Chipotle and went shopping.
I haven't even bothered to text or call any of them. They probably got busy in the studio or something about the tour they where going on soon. I've been busy starting to move into a place of my own. I only have a few things left at Logan's that I was going to take tomorrow and I would be finally have a place of my own.

I was at Logan's pretty much all day. I went downstairs to get a snack and saw that Lydia was there cleaning plates that Logan probably smashed.
"Let me clean it up" I told her.
"No it's fine it kind of is my job" she said.
"To be an assistant not a maid" I said taking the broom from her hands.
"Thanks, so when is your date, do you know where he's taking you" Lydia said.
"What date, oml. I totally forgot I have a date with Jonah today," I said "but who told you I had a date the only people who know are the rest of the band and Logan".
"Logan doesn't know when to shut up" Lydia said.
"Yeah I know," I said "I should probably text Jonah and ask what time he's coming" I said finishing cleaning up the mess and heading up to my room.

Ja=Jazmine, Jo= Jonah
Jo- Gm
Ja-Gm, so I totally forgot about our date today until Lydia brought it up
Jo- That's fine as long as we can still go on that date, and who told Lydia?
Ja- Logan told her and yes we are still going on a date.
Jo- We'll we are going to be together for the rest of the day I'll be there to pick you up in an hour or so
Ja- dress code??
Jo-Whatever I don't think it really matters
Ja- Alright:) see you in an hour

I took a quick shower and just put on some mascara and lipstick. I was never really a person to wear a lot of makeup.

I went outside and played with kong while waiting for Jonah to get here

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I went outside and played with kong while waiting for Jonah to get here.
More than an hour passed and I started thinking that Jonah forgot or he just didn't want to go on a date anymore.

Ja-u almost here?
Jo- Yeah I'm pulling up
Ja-Wait are you driving?
Jo- Yes now get out here or do I have to come and get you.
Ja-I'm going, hold on

I went outside and saw that Jonah in the car waiting.
"So where are we going" I asked.
"For me to know and you to find out" he said.
"Really you better not be taking me to a fancy restaurant or some shit" I said.
I'm not a fan of going to fancy restaurants I'd rather do something simple even if it's just a walk in the park or going to the beach.
"Don't worry I'm not taking you to a fancy restaurant" Jonah said.
"That's good to know" I said.
The rest of the ride was silent. After awhile of just sitting in the car staring out the window Jonah finally said something.
"We are finally here" he said
I looked out and saw he brought me to the carnival.
"The carnival" I said.
"Yep, unless you want to go somewhere else" he said.
"No I like it I haven't been to a carnival in awhile" I said getting out of the car.
Jonah got out of the car and walked over to my side.
"So you ready to lose some games" he said.
"We will see" I said.
I had a great time at the carnival. I beat Jonah at basketball but he won at ring toss and won a polar bear and gave it to me.

 I beat Jonah at basketball but he won at ring toss and won a polar bear and gave it to me

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The last thing we did was go on the Ferris wheel.
"I had a lot of fun today Jonah, thank you" I said.
"I'm glad you did I wasn't sure whether you'd like it" he said.
"Well I did" I said looking at him.
We where both just looking at each other.
He started to lean in and I did to until I heard someone yell my name and I turned to see the one and only Jonathan. That boy can't take a hint.
"Really" I said annoyed.
"What is it" Jonah said.
"Jonathan found me again," I said "he needs to get it through his thick skull we aren't going to be a couple ever again" I said.
We got off the Ferris wheel and walked away from where Jonathan was.
All I could hear was Jonathan yelling my name trying to get my attention I don't want anything to do with him he's already hurt me enough.
"Jazmine wait" Jonathan said finally catching up.
"What do you want" I said turning around looking at him.
"I came looking for you" he said.
"Why do you keep following me" I said.
"Here" he said trying to hand me a stuffed animal.
"Thank you but no thank you" I said walking away.
"Why can't you just forgive me" Jonathan said
"Again if you think I'm going to forgive you for what you did you're wrong," I said "my day was going perfect until you showed up".
"Let's go Jazmine don't waste your time with him it's not worth it" Jonah said.
"Your right, let's go" I said.
"I see your on a date with him" Jonathan said.
"He has a name and yes I'm on a date with him which is none of your concern" I said walking away from him.
"I knew it your just a slut trying to get with every boy that comes your way" Jonathan said.
"Shut up" Jonah said turning to face Jonathan.
"Jonah don't start please let's just go" I said pulling him back.
"What no fight" Jonathan said.
Jonah turned around and swung at him and hit him on his nose. Jonathan swung and hit Jonah on his nose.
"Stop it!," I yelled "both of you, Jonah he's not worth your time let's go and Jonathan I do t ever want to see you again I hope I made that clear" I said walking away with Jonah.

I ended up driving Jonah back to the house once we entered the other boys saw Jonah they just started asking questions.
"Hey!...what happened to Jonah" Jack said
"Dude what happened to your nose" Zach said.
"I will answer you questions but can someone go get me an ice pack and towels to clean up his nose" I said looking around.
Corbyn went and hit the ice pack and towels, and I started to clean Jonah's nose since it was kind of bloody and bruised.
"So what happened?" Daniel said.
"Well we where on our last ride and then Jonathan showed up" I explained the rest.
"Well at least you stopped them before it went any further" Jack said.
"Yeah," I said " Jonah you need to rest" I said getting up off the couch.
He got up and we walked to his room and just sat in the bed.
"I'm sorry that I ruined today" Jonah said.
"What do you mean" I said.
"Getting into a fight with Jonathan and you needing to clean up the mess" he said
"First of all Jonathan deserved that and I don't mind helping you, you didn't ruin my day," I said " I haven't had this much fun in a long time, so thank you".
"I'm glad you agreed to go on a date with me" Jonah said
"I'm glad I did" I said holding Jonah's hand.
We looked at each other and both leaned in then Zach barged in and I looked away.
"Hey, oops did I interrupt something" Zach said
"Yes" Jonah said.
"No, don't worry about it I was just leaving," I said "I'll see you guys tomorrow, good night" I said walking out of the room and into the living room.
"Let me guess you and Jonah where about to kiss and Zach happened to barge in" Daniel said.
"No I was just leaving speaking of which can one of you guys give me a ride back to Logan's place" I said.
"Sure" Corbyn said.

The ride back to my place was silent. Corbyn just dropped me off and left. The house was quiet so either Logan is not home or he's sleeping. I walked up to my room changed and fell asleep.

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