Chapter One

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{Okay. So... One of these words is something I have to take a stab at. It's not used by Grammarly, and the YouTube subtitles totally messed it up, so... I have to just guess here.}


It's a beautiful, sunny day in the kingdom of Corona. You, along with hundreds of other people, are gathered just inside the Palace Square, watching as inventors show off their machines and gadgets to the kingdom.

You only came to watch because your father, an inventor, is partaking in the exposition. Since he was first to present, you are forced to stay and watch, much to your chagrin.

That is, until he takes the stage.

This inventor is very much unlike the others because (a) he looks to be about fourteen or fifteen years old- your age!!!- (b) though his face looks alight with excitement and joy, (c) almost anybody could tell that the poor guy had been through a lot in his lifetime. Also, you've never seen him around before.

"Behold, the power of alchemy!" the boy says, gesturing to the curtain.

A small voice from backstage mutters something- quite possibly "where's the opening?"- before falling onstage, making a fool of himself. Whether on accident or on purpose, nobody knows. But, frankly, nobody cares.

"Behold, the power of..." the short guy stutters, stumbling for words, "uh, that guy!"

The young inventor (or alchemist, or whatever) facepalms. Finally, after reaching some sort of agreement, the shorter of the two opens the curtains and reveals a device.

"I give you... the elemental remogrifier."

You let out a gasp, fascinated by the device. The boy started it up and shouted out information about it.

"The end result: fifty pounds of sand turns into..."

You lean forward in anticipation, excited to see what this strange young man has created.


He holds up a small indigo-colored jewel for everyone to see. Some people "ooh" and "aah," others gasp, but most just applaud him. You just stare at the young man.

"I call it," he pauses briefly, shooting a glance at the judge, "Cassandrium."

The guard behind Master Doctor Alcott St Croix gasps and you suddenly realize that the boy had probably glanced at her. And, for whatever reason, this kind of makes you feel a little... Jealous.

And then all heck breaks loose.

The inventor's assistant falls back, and the next thing you know, there's a knife flying towards the judge. Everyone gasps, but, luckily, the guard girl catches the knife before it pierces his nose. She stares at the inventor, who stares back at her. Both are aghast.

"Despite its lack of flair and panache," Dr Alcott St Croix stated, " I was almost inclined to give your device a... Mediocre assessment."

The alchemist was confused. "Flair? What does that have to do with-"

But St Croix continued. "However, considering your assistant nearly lanced my naval cavity, I have no choice but to disqualify you. Next!"

Everyone gasps, but you find you can't make a sound. Whoever this guy was, he deserved so much more than what he got.

He left the stage, looking forlorn, and before you can think any better of it, you run off to try and find him.

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