Chapter Two

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The mystery boy got about as far as one of the courtyard's fountains before he broke down. He sat at the edge of the fountain and buried his face in his gloved hands.

You walk up to him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. I... I saw what happened back there."

He slouches a little bit, clearly embarrassed and ashamed. "They're right. I'm a fool. All I've ever amounted to is failed attempts and tons of disaster..."

"What?! I've seen what you can do, and it's amazing! Revolutionary, even. You've got talent. It's just... Nobody seems to see it yet."

The boy looks up at you, curious and hopeful. "You... You really think so?"

"I know so," you respond, grinning, "a whole new element? That's nothing to sneeze at."

He grins, too. "Thanks. I... I really needed that... I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name."

You take a seat next to him before speaking again. "[Your Name]. What's yours?"

"I'm Varian. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too."

By now, Varian is sitting up straight, giving a little lopsided grin. He was pretty adorable...

"So... What branch of science are you into?" he asked suddenly.

The question comes out of nowhere, surprising you so much that you nearly fall backwards into the fountain. Luckily, Varian swiftly grabs you by the arm, helping steady you. But he doesn't let go, even though you should be fine.

"Are you okay?" he asks, eyes searching yours with concern, " do you need me to get somebody?"

But you're laughing, the exhilaration of the last moment finally catching up to you. "I'm fine, thank you. And to answer your other question, I- I'm not a scientist. I get... Decent marks in science, but it's not really where my passion lies, you know?"

"What are you into, then?"

He seems genuinely interested in what you have to say, what you're interested in... Already, Varian seems like someone you can easily just talk to. Someone who would listen to what you had to say.

"I like reading and writing," you admit with a shrug, "I don't necessarily know if it's what I'm into yet, but I enjoy it... Besides, it gives me an excuse to get out of doing chores."

He smiles wistfully. "I'm guessing you've got a family? Parents and siblings?"

"You don't?"

"It's just me and my dad," he murmurs, starting to swing his feet a little bit, "at times, it's just me and Ruddiger..."

"Who's Ruddiger?" you ask, curious, "you just said..."

Just then, a raccoon dashes by, brushing past your legs before leaping into Varian's lap- and knocking him into the water. The raccoon chitters indignantly, trying to get out of the water, and Varian rolls his eyes before lifting him back over the edge and trying to stand up.

"That's Ruddiger," he says, looking pointedly at the raccoon, "my best friend."

You look back and forth between the soaked raccoon and the soaking boy, stifling a laugh. "Do... Do you need some help, Varian?"

"Nah," he says, shaking his head as he tries yet again to stand.

Finally, he looks up at you. "On second thought..."

You offer him your hand and he takes it... Before flipping you into the fountain, too.

You know you're parents are going to kill you for getting yourself all wet, but you can't help laughing. After you brush your wet hair out of your eyes, you glare at Varian- but find that you can't keep a straight face. So, instead, you settle for splashing some water at him.

"Hey! Not fair!" he complains.

"Says the guy who somehow flipped me into the water."

"Fair point, I guess."

You splash him again, and he laughs, splashing you back. You're having so much fun just laughing and splashing... It reminds you of when you were young and carefree.

In fact, you're so absorbed in doing this that you hardly even realize when your father comes up behind you guys.

"[Your Name]," he says sternly, "it's time to go home now."

"Coming, Dad," you say, stepping out of the fountain easily before helping Varian out, too, "just give me a second."

Varian looks at you, still smiling, though it seems a little sadder now. "Good-bye, I guess..."


"Thank you for that," he says softly, "I hope to see you again, [Your Name]."

"Anytime. And I hope to see you again, Varian."

He extends his arms and you hug him, hoping beyond all hope that you would see him again.

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