Chapter 2

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No one's POV
Alison walked into Rosewood high. Everyone staring at her, like usual. Her cronies walked up to her and they carried on walking with Alison standing in the middle of them and a little bit more forward than the others. Alison walked up to her lockers and took out her books.
Hanna - I heard their is a new girl starting here in our year.
Alison gulped and slammed her locker shut. She turned to the other 3 girls.
Alison - Really? What is her name?
Spencer - Emily Fields. She went to a high school in California. She was on a swim team and was the best. Every school wanted her and even colleges.
Alison was shocked. It was the girl she met earlier. That's why she was wearing the sports bra and joggers, Alison thought.
Alison - Oh well, let's see if she enjoys it here.
Aria was staring at the teacher Mr Fitz. She was ogling him. Alison saw her and sighed. Alison was actually pissed that Emily was going to this school, so she snapped.
Alison - Aria, stop gawking at our English teacher. He will see you undressing him with your eyes if you carry on!!
Aria turned around and gave Alison a death glare but Alison shot one back at her.
Aria - Alison, you know what you should stop treating people like your slaves! You need to grow up and stop snapping at everyone around you because your stupid parents hurt you all the time.
Spencer - Aria!
Aria looked up and saw Alison with tears in her eyes, threatening to fall. The doors swung open and for once everyone's eyes were not on Alison but on Emily. Alison was glad because she was going to break down. Emily looked around and saw all eyes on her. She smiled at everyone. But they didn't smile back.
Everyone turned and looked at Alison. Alison gulped and just ran to the toilets. She locked the door and slid down it. She broke down. Alison didn't go to her first period at all. She decided to unlock the toilet because she felt claustrophobic.

Emily's POV
I hate this school already! Everyone is horrible! I feel bad for the girl, Alison. Why was everyone looking at her when I shouted? She ran off! She looked upset. Maybe someone has upset her? Whoever it is I will kill them! Wait why am I so protective of her? I just only met her. I know I'm gay but still.

I'm in English and it is dragging. Everyone is staring at me. I'm just going to walk out in a minute. That's it, I'm done!

No one's POV
Emily stands up and grabs her bag. She is walking out the door when the teacher calls her name but she ignores him. She rushes to toilet. As she opened it she saw Alison in the corner, hugging her knees and crying. She locked the toilet and walked up to her.
Emily - Alison, are you OK?
Alison shakes her head as a yes. Emily decides to sit next to her. Alison shuffled away from her a bit.
Emily- You know you can talk to me? I am not going to tell anyone. I know we don't even know each other but I'd like to be your friend, if you want?
Alison shuffles closer to her.
Alison - I would like a friend. But I have to tell you something.
Emily - Anything. You can tell me anything.
Alison - I am the leader of this school. Everyone calls me the Queen Bee.
Emily furrows her eyebrows in confusion and looked at Alison but Alison was still looking at the floor.
Emily - Why do they call you that?
Alison - Because they are afraid of me.
Emily - Of you?
Emily tried not to laugh. Alison looked up and playfully punched her shoulder.
Emily - Owww!
Alison put her hand on Emily's shoulder.
Alison - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you OK?
Emily - See you are nice.
Alison - To you.
Emily looks at her weirdly and Alison looks up to.
Emily - Why? Am I special or something?
Alison looks back down at the floor and tears spring to her eyes. Emily pulled her in for a hug. Alison was shocked at first but snuggled into Emily's chest. Emily was stroking her back.
Emily - I think I should tell you something.
Alison - What?
They were both still hugging and then Emily blurted out.
Emily - I am gay.
Alison shrugs her shoulders and looked deep into Emily's eyes.
Alison - What is wrong with that?
Emily - Just thought the Queen Bee wouldn't want a gay friend.
Alison - Well it is you. I can make an exception.
Emily chuckled lightly. Then they cuddled together for a bit.
Alison - Don't you have first period?
Emily - I walked out because no one has anything better to do with their lives except for staring at me.
Alison- Oh. Do you wanna sit with me and my friend's at lunch?
Emily nodded her head.
Emily - If you don't mind being with a dyke?
Alison - Of course I don't. You can be my dyke.
Emily smiled brightly at Alison.

Lunch time

Emily and Alison walked out the toilets and into the cafeteria. They got their lunches and then joined the other girls on their usual table. All the girls looked confused.
Alison- Guys this is Emily. Emily this is Spencer, Aria and Hanna.
Emily- It's nice to make your acquaintance's.
Spencer- Same to you.

Speaker of the principal
Emily Fields. Report to principal Hackett's office, now.

Emily is clueless why she has to go to the principals office. She stands up.
Emily- I will be right back.
Alison- I will walk you.
Emily nods and they walk off together to the principals office. Emily knocks on the wooden door.
Hackett- Come on.
Emily pushed open the door and left Alison sitting outside. Emily closes the door behind her.
Emily- You wanted to see me.
Hackett- Yes. I was wondering if you would like to do a speech about yourself today? Just a little intro about yourself to the school?
Emily- Uh sure.
Hackett- OK that would be it.
Emily- OK thanks.
Emily walks out and looks at Alison. Alison stands up and looks at Emily.
Alison- What did he want?
Emily- He wants me to speak about myself in the assembly, today.
Alison- Well that is alright, I guess.
Emily- I am going to leave out the bit about me being gay.
Alison nods as she shows Emily she understands.

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