The good girl and her cigerettes

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Mia's P.O.V

I can't believe society these days. Just because I am nerd doesn't mean I won't whoop their fucking asses. I mean seriously ganging up on me in the corridors hoping I would break down and cry. Well let's just say Damien was the one who broke down and cried..... Right after I kicked him where the sun don't shine. What can I say? U slap a girl in the face, she's gonna bite back. Or kick in this occasion. I'm Mia Newburg, and I'm the good girl, unless u mess with that is. ;)


Authors note: ( I won't do a lot of these)

First of all sorry for this piece of crap and that it's sooo short, but think of it as a taster?? Yeah I'll go with that. Now on to the important-ish bit .....:

1. I won't do a lot of these cuz I hate them. I may recommend a different author or book at the end of each chapter but that's it.

2. No hate. I can take it but there is a deference between critical advice to help and being a bitch, keep that in mind please (not meaning to be rude)

3. please any ideas tell me!! I am open to them!

4. Please don't advertise ur stories on here. If u want me to read them, tell me and I will put them at the end of my chapters to share it for you.

Thx, and sorry for coming off as a bitch!

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