Silent Cries

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This morning when I woke up, I didn't feel any better than I did before going to bed last night, but I had school today, and I couldn't show anyone that my life was practically in shambles.

Thank the Moon Goddess it was Friday.

I think I can handle faking it for one more day.

I walked through the halls of St. Xavier Academy, in my uniform, with my head held high, heading to my locker with Meghan and Hanna in tow.

I was about to turn the corner when I felt a body collide into mine.

"What the fuck?" I yelped stumbling backwards a bit.

I looked down only to see little miss perfect on the floor.

A smirk settled onto my face as I watched her scramble to pick her stuff up.

Gabriella 'GG' Greenwood.

Around school Gabriella was also well known and popular.

She had the good girl image going for her and everyone thinks that she's a saint. They had this idea engraved in their minds that GG could do no wrong.

"Watch where you're going bitch," I said while looking down at her in disgust.

Gabriella looked up at me with her big blue eyes before stuttering out an apology.

I scoffed and walked around her with my two minions following closely behind me.

"You're pathetic," I say, making sure to lace my voice with venom, so that she knew that I meant it.

Arriving at my locker, I hastily gathered the supplies that I would need for my first period class.

Hanna and Meghan had already left because we don't have the same classes in the morning.

I rushed to my classroom and sat at my assigned seat with five minutes to spare and started looking through my notes as other students piled into the classroom.

"Hola mami!" A voice called out.

I looked to my right and saw my best friend Alejandro Santiago.

Alex was the only person that I could truly be myself around and he was the person I felt most comfortable with as well.

"Good morning papi." I replied back jokingly before turning away to look back at my notes.

Despite having gone through drastic changes attitude and appearance wise, I'm still the same Jade from seventh grade. Nothing much has changed about my actual personality.

I still lounged around every Saturday and watched cartoons in my pyjamas all day, I still love to read books, I even volunteer at the animal shelter secretly on Sunday's, and most importantly I still take my school work seriously.

I have been and always will be a straight A student and that was something I took pride in.

The bell rang and I sat up in my seat and got ready to take notes.

The note taking went on for the rest of the two periods until it was lunch time.

I stayed back for a bit and waited for the other students to leave before heading towards Mr. Gerard's desk.

"Excuse me, sir?" I called out meekly.

He looked up at me a bit shocked to see me standing in front of him.

My reputation is well known amongst the teachers because it baffles them.

The teachers see me in the halls, see the way I act, and automatically label me as the typical cheerleading bimbo.

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