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So you’re mad at me

It tears my heart

You barely looked at me, 

But at least we didn’t give each other a hard time, this time…


That’s a start.

I go to you, honey

Because only you know why you made the decisions you did

Or at least what you thought while you made them.

I’m sorry I don’t understand.

I’m glad we are trying better not to blow each others heads off.

That’s a really good start.

What do you want me to do, love?

What should I say?

I want you, forever.

Just like you said.

But I know things are different now.

But there’s no reason it can’t be fixed.

One of us would be hurt (me)

But we’d both be happy.

I wouldn’t be happy,

But I’d understand.

And that makes me happy.

I get my friends on you because I want to understand.

You won’t let me understand…

I learned…

Sometimes you’ll never understand.

I want to know how you feel,

What your dreams are…

Like I used to know.

You told me everything.

Sometimes you still do and I don’t get it,

Even if the things that you tell me hurt me,

I’m happy…

Because you’re still somewhat the Mike I know.

I’m sorry…

What do you want me to do?

I love you,

My heart will always belong to you,

Whether either of us want it to or not.

I belong with you,

Whether we believe so or not.

That’s how life is.

And when you love someone…

You don’t let go…

I don’t let go… as you’ve noticed.

You’re mad at me… but for what?

Trying to understand you?

I don’t mean to upset you when I try to understand…

And I’m sorry for that.

I wanted to talk to you…

Hear your voice…

So I texted you.

When I saw your signature…

It broke my heart again…

When you said you truly believed you and her were gonna be together forever…

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