John's P. O. V

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'ugh summertime is always so hot in New York ' I thought as I walked to the coffee shop to go see my friends mulligan and Lafayette. It smelt like vanilla as usual for the coffee shop. All of a sudden I was yanked to a table
"John!! Pay attention next time Mon Ami!! You almost bumped into the small man" Lafayette scolded. Hercules chuckled and gave me a vanilla latte "what's got you so distracted lately Johnny boy? " I scoffed at my friends and looked away how am I supposed to tell them about my new neighbor? Just tell them I fell in love with a guy I don't even know? No that's crazy. All of a sudden I look up to see laf whispering to herc
"John semble distrait l'eau de vidange sur lui, il va le réveiller à droite?" I quickly snapped out of it before herc could even grab the cup of water he was drinking. "look guys I'm fine just thinking about something that you don't need to know about " I admitted and threw my empty latte cup away before buying a crossiant. Laf smirked and whispered to me
"Est-ce que quelqu'un est amoureux? Peut-être avec le nouvel étudiant d'échange des Caraïbes? Mon cher John, tu ne peux pas me cacher des secrets ". I gasped and blushed heavily towards the French man "For your info I don't have a crush on him!! I just... Admire... His angry little fueds with Jefferson during debate " . Lafayette started laughing and smiling  "John Mon Ami invite him over tonight make him your friend or even yet your lover!! " he chirped.  Herc shrugged and finished up before we all headed to class

That's when it happened I was stuck sitting besides my crush. How could I focus on work when such a beautiful human sat right next to me. Then it hit me quite literally. Jefferson had threw a book at me all I remember is grabbing a chair and throwing it at him before getting sentenced to one hour of cleaning the debate room. "Stupid Jefferson making me angry...thinking he's better... God I just wanna -" I was cut off when I heard the door open to reveal Madison. He looked at me "Sorry about Thomas he's just a how you say five year old in a 19 year olds body "

James and I chatted for a while before we both went home. It was a blessing to have a house near the beach but close to the college. I decided to go and see the turtles. I couldn't believe it there he was standing by the water quietly lost in thought and looking like a God.

He looked at me and I froze as he walked over.

"Hi I'm Alexander Hamilton your neighbor"

A/N: ha cliff hanger I hoped you guys enjoyed it!!

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