Getting a little to comfortable for comfort

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Its 7:00 Am so I know Brandon isn't up yet I will just watch some dank meme compilations...

                                                                       Some Time Passes By And It Is Now 12:30.P.M.




I rub my eyes and shut off the computer..... "Why does he yell so loud... probably cause hes used to filming all the time"... I was a bit sleepy from having my eyes on the computer for most of the morning... I was to busy thinking about breakfast as I tripped down all the stairs. I finally hit the bottom as a SHIRTLESS Brandon helped me up..... "Dude go put a shirt on before you poke someones eye out.... GOD"!!


"Well too bad Robert im not putting a shirt on, I made breakfast" 


 I make a disgusted face as I heard I made breakfast that brought me back to when I was watching the Chef Messyourself show and he did a terrible job at cooking suddenly I lost my appetite.. "No thanks you eat it i'm not hungry I walked up the stairs and went over to my back pack where there was cookies I packed in there from the airplane ride I shoved a couple of those in my mouth and pressed record on my camera after I was done chewing... "Wuddup guys its RobertIdk here and welcome to yet another video when I was on the airplane I asked you to give me dares and questions so uhh lets get into this video" He scrolled threw his phone to find twitter he pressed the app and looked at the first dare "Robert I dare you to slap Brandon with a banana" He runs down stairs and passed Brandon and sets the camera up on a night stand he then runs back up stairs and puts on his banana costume and runs downstairs and jumps on brandon..


"WHAT THE H*LL Robert!! I am watching Rick and Morty and it was just at the good part"!


"Sorry"!!  He runs back up stairs with his camera and does the other dares... I laid in bed and closed my eyes... I then opened them 30 min later as Brandon was hovering over me with no shirt I felt a little uncomfortable as I pushed him off and accidentally cut him with my fingernail "Dude!! I was sleeping I dont wanna wake up with your face in mine"  Brandon apologizes and walks downstairs.....

Messyourself X RobertIdkWhere stories live. Discover now