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My name is Raven Night. It took me ten seconds to name myself. My parents don't exist and you can call home a pile of dirt. I have nothing but my own company. My appearance revels my name. My hair is as black as a raven's feathers and my eyes are dark pools that blend with night. Exotic tattoos the color of soot swirl intricately from my legs to the base of my neck. It's a mark. A cursed reminder for what I am and what we've become.

My race is no longer strikingly beautiful. Our faces are blank without emotion and dull and worn from the pain etched in our hearts. Mates have died off with our hope. There is no love; not even from your own family. We are animals or as our queen enjoys putting it: Her dogs.

We're close to extinction. Our numbers are low in the hundreds and Queen Arianie's followers are rising in the thousands. 

I'm a rogue like many of those who don't have the guts to be a part of a pack. It's forbidden because in a pack we're stronger and if we're stronger we could form a rebellion. I'm barely surviving in the woods. All of us have practically broken away from civilization since it's dangerous to show your face around hunters. The little sanity I have hangs from a fragile thread that at any moment could break.

I'm defensless as a human, but as a werewolf I'm always on the prowl.

Ahh! I couldn't resist! I had this idea so eh... anyway. Firstly I have never ever never EVER written a werewolf story. So I am purely making all this up and not following what werewolves are considered to be in stories. The aspects will may be the same but its  twisted. lol. I can warn you that this will not be your typical rejection mate story or anything like that. It's going to be a bit darker but it will include a theme about a mate if any of ya'll are killing for that lol. So basically I'm only going to write this story if anyone is interested. SO COMMENT! PLEASE! thanks :))

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