A Crescent Moon Ch:1

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A crescent moon a wounded fall

She is connected to them all

A wounded heart will prevail

The warrior is a knight of black veil

Terror will reign darkness is here

But all will stop the time is near.

I woke up with a violent jolt. I heaved in cool gulps of fresh air, and slowly calmed my breathing. Ever since my dreams have depicted a voice rhyming countless riddles, I've never been able to rest properly. The same words haunt me, they tear me apart inside because I can't figure out the significance of them.  Though every time I do awaken, I perform a ritual with my senses.

I scanned my eyes across the broad trees surrounding me. I transformed into a predator stalking prey. But like always, even my impeccable eye sight couldn't see anything through the thickness of trees that were so clumped together, they looked like a mold of black.

I next closed my eyes, creating even more darkness to engulf me. I let my ears try to listen for any noises coming from this dark forest. I strained with all my might, but all that met my ears was a dead silence that could drive a person into insanity.

There's times I question, what's the point of living on? When the only company I have is the dirt on my feet. The answer to that is, I want answers. There's always been something about me that I myself can't figure out. And I'm hoping I can find someone who can tell me what my existence means. That's another problem though.

Who is out there to console? I'm a lone she-wolf, fighting for her life every single day. I don't know when my next meal is, I'm not even afraid of death because at any moment there's a risk of perishing. Everything about living in this cruel world involves surviving. Surviving in your mind, your body, your purpose of fighting on.

There was a point where I was weak. I cried nearly every day about  why are people so unfair. Why did Queen Arianie, who was once iconic to all creatures, take a turn for evil? There were childhood stories I vaguely remember of our Queen who was so beautiful your eyes stung with tears because she radiated such beauty. Her pale skin which gleamed a porcelain white put my body to shame. I was bruised inside and out. I was covered in tattoos that tarnished my skin which once was complimented to exceed even the Queen's pureness. I always denied it.

Her face also was a wonder. Her red lips made her look dramatic, her blue eyes could pierce your soul. She was loved by anyone and everyone, and if you didn't adore her it was considered to be a sin.

But one day her husband, King Erik, was found lifeless in his study. There were countless rumors on the cause of death, but inside we all know who killed him or rather what killed him. One of my own kind did, and whoever the murderer was is either neighbors with King Erik, or fled the area.

I can understand how for a period of time, that the queen was deeply heartbrokened that the love of her life would never look her in the eyes ever again. I know how it feels to not have that content feeling in your heart, to know that someone out there love's you because I don't even know my own parents. Nor do I have memories of them. I was always the kid in the village who everyone took part in raising. 

But over time heartbrokeness turned into rage, and the rage turned into pure hate for her own people. The small amount of humans in the world were now her precious pets, and we were the mud they walked on. Now when she looks at you, her eyes can create a cold shudder to travel down your spine. Her long piano fingers at only a raise, can be the fate of your life. If her hand shoo's you away, you're dead. If her hand rests peacefully in her lap, you just might be spared.

I patted my makeshift bed that was meerly a pile of dead leaves,then slowly bent down to rest my head.  I so badly wanted to remember what it was like to dream of a peaceful ocean, or something of fantasy like a majestic flying horse. I was tired of thinking back on the stories travelling about concerning the queen and the whereabouts about her kingdom that met the brink of the forest. I tried to pretend that the calming pictures in my mind were a dream and I for once, could wake up rejuvenated.

But all too soon, I heard a rustle in the distance. It may be a common sound found in a forest due to the prospect of night creatures moving about, but when you're a rogue, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I swiftly went to a tree that was easy to climb. I expertly swung from branch to branch, until I was hidden by the thick brush. It may be absurd to climb so high, or hide myself, but I'm not the only wolf with heightened senses taking refuge in this forest, nor am I looking for a fight.

But when the rustles started to sound like footsteps, and the footsteps started drawing near, I was in for a shock when a group clambered into my clearing. It was worse than a pack of werewolves looking for recruits. If I was asleep, I would surely be dead or closer to death. They would've rejoiced to find a vulnerable wolf.

Always take to the trees when a group of hunters make an appearance.


WHOOO I finally posted a chapter.. a short one lol. So this is just an introductory thingy you learn some stuff and then we get into the action.. later on...  I'm telling you now my updates for this story will probably be slow depending on the feedback I get. Anyway vote vote vote and comment if you want another chapter!!! Adios :)

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